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Home | Events | Summer School | Inequalities in Health and Healthcare

Inequalities in Health and Healthcare (confirmed)

July 8-12, 2024, online



Owen O’Donnell is Professor of Applied Economics at Erasmus University Rotterdam. He is a Research Fellow of the Tinbergen Institute, Netspar and the CESR/Schaefer Center for the Study of Health Inequality.

Tom Van Ourti is Professor of Applied Health Economics with a focus on health and inequality at Erasmus University Rotterdam and a Research Fellow of the Tinbergen Institute.

Meet the Lecturers


This course will arm you with tools to measure health inequality. It will encourage and facilitate evaluation of the normative foundations of inequality measures. You will become familiar with methods used to explain socioeconomic disparities in health and to identify inequity in the distribution of healthcare. We will demonstrate how tools of health inequality measurement can be used to conduct distributionally sensitive cost-effectiveness analysis.

Learning Objectives

  • Competence in measurement of health inequality with rank-dependent indices
  • Conceptual understanding of normative foundations of that measurement
  • Ability to compute and interpret these measures
  • Apply health inequality measurement to distributional cost-effectiveness analysis
  • Understanding of financing protection measurement


The course is targeted at economists embarking on research on population health and the distribution of healthcare, as well as at researchers from the field of public health wishing to become competent in techniques used by economists to analyse inequality in health and healthcare. The material is also of interest to cost-effectiveness researchers who want to broaden their toolkit to distributionally sensitive health economic evaluation.

Admission requirements

The course is open to research master’s students, PhD students, postdocs and researchers with an interest in a quantitative approach to health inequality. Students should have done an intermediate course in statistics, be familiar with regression analysis and preferably have completed an intermediate course in microeconomics. Those with a public health background who have not previously followed a course in economics should be comfortable with statistical analysis. Familiarity with the statistical package STATA is an advantage.

Faculty Owen O’Donnell, Tom Van Ourti
Degree programme Certificate

Conditional on submission of daily empirical assignments participants will receive a certificate of participation stating that the summer school is equivalent to a work load of 3 ECTS. Note that it is the student’s own responsibility to get these credits registered at their university.

Language  English
Venue Online
Capacity 50 participants (minimum 15)
Fees Tuition Fees and Payment
Application deadline July 5, 2024 
Apply here Application has been closed


Summer School