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104 key alumni publications

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  • van Leeuwen, B., Offerman, T. and Schram, A. (2020). Competition for Status Creates Superstars: An Experiment on Public Good Provision and Network Formation Journal of the European Economic Association, 18(2):666--707.
  • Caballero, D., Lucas, A., Schwaab, B. and Zhang, X. (2020). Risk endogeneity at the lender/investor-of-last-resort Journal of Monetary Economics, 116:283--297.
  • Braggion, F., Manconi, A. and Zhu, H. (2020). Credit and social unrest: Evidence from 1930s China Journal of Financial Economics, 138(2):295--315.
  • Kopányi-Peuker, A. and Weber, M. (2020). Experience Does not Eliminate Bubbles: Experimental Evidence Review of Financial Studies, :.
  • Bolhaar, J., Ketel, N. and van der Klaauw, B. (2020). Caseworker's discretion and the effectiveness of welfare-to-work programs Journal of Public Economics, 183:1--19.
  • Gryglewicz, S., Mayer, S.(. and Morellec, E. (2020). Agency Conflicts and Short- versus Long-Termism in Corporate Policies Journal of Financial Economics, 136(3):718--742.
  • Li, M., Koopman, S.J., Lit, R. and Petrova, D. (2020). Long-term forecasting of El Niño events via dynamic factor simulations Journal of Econometrics, 214(1):46--66.
  • Bräuning, F. and Koopman, S.J. (2020). The dynamic factor network model with an application to international trade Journal of Econometrics, 216(2):494--515.
  • Lucas, A., Schaumburg, J. and Schwaab, B. (2019). Bank Business Models at Zero Interest Rates Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, 37(3):542--555.
  • Belot, M., Kircher, P. and Muller, P. (2019). Providing advice to jobseekers at low cost: An experimental study on online advice Review of Economic Studies, 86(4):1411--1447.
  • Tse-Chun Lin (2019). Ex-Day Returns of Stock Distributions: An Anchoring Explanation Management Science.

  • Turmunkh, U., Van den Assem, MartijnJ. and Van Dolder, D. (2019). Malleable Lies: Communication and Cooperation in a High Stakes TV Game Show Management Science, 65(10):4795--4812.
  • Baştürk, N., Borowska, A., Grassi, S., Hoogerheide, L. and van Dijk, H.K. (2019). Forecast density combinations of dynamic models and data driven portfolio strategies Journal of Econometrics, 210(1):170--186.
  • Bolhaar, J., Ketel, N. and van Der Klaauw, B. (2019). Job search periods for welfare applicants: Evidence from a randomized experiment American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 11(1):92--125.
  • Barr, A., Dekker, M., Janssens, W., Kebede, B. and Kramer, B. (2019). Cooperation in polygynous households American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 11(2):266--283.
  • Buser, T. and Yuan, H. (2019). Do women give up competing more easily? Evidence from the lab and the Dutch Math Olympiad American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 11(3):225--252.
  • Kong, C., Granic, G., Lambert, N. and Teo, C.(. (2019). Judgment Error in Lottery Play: When the Hot-Hand Meets the Gambler's Fallacy Management Science, 66(2):844--862.
  • Anufriev, M., Hommes, C. and Makarewicz, T. (2019). Simple Forecasting Heuristics that Make us Smart: Evidence from Different Market Experiments Journal of the European Economic Association, 17(5):1538--1584.
  • Hommes, C. and Lustenhouwer, J. (2019). Inflation targeting and liquidity traps under endogenous credibility Journal of Monetary Economics, 107:48--62.
  • Baltussen, G., Bekkum, S. and Da, Z. (2018). Indexing and Stock Market Serial Dependence Around the World Journal of Financial Economics, 132(1):26--48.