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27 key alumni publications

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  • Galama, TitusJ. and van Kippersluis, H. (2019). A theory of socio-economic disparities in health over the life cycle Economic Journal, 129(617):338--374.
  • Francesco Ravazzolo (2019). Identification of financial factors in economic fluctuations Economic Journal.

  • Anufriev, M., Hommes, C. and Makarewicz, T. (2019). Simple Forecasting Heuristics that Make us Smart: Evidence from Different Market Experiments Journal of the European Economic Association, 17(5):1538--1584.
  • Buser, T. and Yuan, H. (2019). Do women give up competing more easily? Evidence from the lab and the Dutch Math Olympiad American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 11(3):225--252.
  • Cornea-Madeira, A., Hommes, C. and Massaro, D. (2019). Behavioral Heterogeneity in U.S. Inflation Dynamics Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, 37(2):288--300.
  • Wang, W., Zhang, X.(. and Paap, R. (2019). To pool or not to pool: What i?s a good strategy for parameter estimation and forecasting in panel regressions? Journal of Applied Econometrics, 34(5):724--745.
  • Boswijk, H., Bun, M. and Schinkel, M. (2019). Cartel Dating Journal of Applied Econometrics, 34(1):26--42.