Kleibergen, F.(. and Paap, R. (2006). Generalized reduced rank tests using the singular value decomposition. Journal of Econometrics, 133(1):97--126.
5 Key Publications
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van der Klaauw, B. and van den Berg, G.J. (2006). Counseling and monitoring of unemployed workers: Theory and evidence from a controlled social experiment International Economic Review, 47:895--936.
Donkers, B., Paap, R., Jonker, J. and Franses, P.H. (2006). Deriving Target Selection Rules from Endogenously Selected Samples Journal of Applied Econometrics, 21(5):549--562.
Azevedo, J., Koopman, S. and Rua, A. (2006). Tracking the business cycle of the Euro area: A multivariate model-based band-pass filter Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, 24(3):278--290.
Bauwens, L., Boswijk, H. and Urbain, J. (2006). Causality and exogeneity in econometrics (guest editorial) Journal of Econometrics, 132(2):305--309.