Beauchamp, JonathanP., Cesarini, D., Johannesson, M., Van Der Loos, MatthijsjH.M., Koellinger, PhilippD., Patrick, J.F.Groenen, Fowler, JamesH., Rosenquist, J.Niels, Thurik, A.Roy and Christakis, NicholasA. (2011). Molecular genetics and economics Journal of Economic Perspectives, 25(4):57--82.
8 Key Publications
filtered by:
Pesaran, H. and Pick, A. (2011). Forecast combination across estimation windows Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, 29(2):307--318.
Pesaran, H., Pick, A. and Timmermann, A. (2011). Variable selection, estimation and inference for multi-period forecasting problems Journal of Econometrics, 164(1):173--187.
Leuven, E., Oosterbeek, H., Sonnemans, J. and van der Klaauw, B. (2011). Incentives versus sorting in tournaments: evidence from a field experiment Journal of Labor Economics, 29(3):637--658.
de Jong, Ph., Lindeboom, M. and van der Klaauw, B. (2011). Screening disability insurance applications Journal of the European Economic Association, 9(1):106--129.
Koopman, S., Lucas, A. and Schwaab, B. (2011). Modeling frailty correlated defaults using many macroeconomic covariates Journal of Econometrics, 162(2):312--325.
Creal, D., Koopman, S. and Lucas, A. (2011). A dynamic multivariate heavy-tailed model for time-varying volatilities and correlations Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, 29(4):552--563.
Boswijk, H. and van der Weide, R. (2011). Method of moments estimation of GO-GARCH models Journal of Econometrics, 163(1):118--126.