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15 Master theses

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  • 35 - Productivity dynamics in developing countries: the role of liquidation costs

    Author: Umut Kilinc

    Supervisor: Eric Bartelsman

    Defense date: November 21, 2007

  • 34 - Estimating Housing Price Indices

    Author: Xiaolong Liu

    Supervisor: K.G.P. Englund

    Defense date: August 31, 2007

  • 33 - Is Backdating Vicious? An Investigation on the Rationale of Backdating CEO Stock Options

    Author: Betty Wu

    Supervisor: Enrico Perotti

    Defense date: November 07, 2007

  • 32 - Association Measures in Bivariate Mixed Proportional Hazard Models with Gamma Heterogeneity Distribution

    Author: Georgios Effraimidis

    Supervisor: Gerard van den Berg

    Defense date: October 02, 2007

  • 31 - Can Elicitation Processes Survive under Decision Errors? A Theoretical Analysis and a Simulation-based Study

    Author: Nan Yang

    Supervisor: Peter Wakker

    Defense date: August 31, 2007

  • 30 - Structural Differences in Economic Growth: An Endogenous Clustering Approach

    Author: Nalan Basturk

    Supervisor: Dick van Dijk

    Defense date: August 31, 2007

  • 29 - Designated Market Makers and Securities Values

    Author: Ting Wang

    Supervisor: Albert J. Menkveld

    Defense date: August 31, 2007

  • 28 - Executive Compensation and Investment Incentives

    Author: Ko-Chia Yu

    Supervisor: Ingolf Dittmann

    Defense date: August 31, 2007

  • 27 - Predictability of Stock Return and Volatility: A Factor Based Approach

    Author: Cem Cakmakli

    Supervisor: Dick van Dijk

    Defense date: August 31, 2007

  • 26 - Oligopolistic competition in price and quality

    Author: Andrey Dubovik

    Supervisor: Maarten Janssen

    Defense date: August 31, 2007

  • 25 - Conspicuous Consumption and the Strength of Social Ties

    Author: Nick Vikander

    Supervisor: Maarten Janssen

    Defense date: August 31, 2007

  • 24 - Predicting Cross-Sections of Conditional Default Probabilities Using Common Factors from Macro Data and Unobserved Components in a Non-Gaussian Panel Data Framework

    Author: Bernd Schwaab

    Supervisor: Andre Lucas

    Defense date: August 31, 2007

  • 23 - The Effectiveness of Community Based Education in Africa: the Case of Zambia

    Author: Kobus de Hoop

    Supervisor: Jan Willem Gunning

    Defense date: August 24, 2007

  • 22 - Sovereign Finance, an Enquiry into Contingent Debt

    Author: Mario Bersem

    Supervisor: Casper de Vries

    Defense date: February 27, 2007

  • 21 - Cartel Stability Under Different Consumer Search Intensity

    Author: Aufa Doarest

    Supervisor: Jeroen Hinloopen

    Defense date: February 28, 2007