Home | News | New Research Fellow: Annika Camehl
News | July 05, 2024

New Research Fellow: Annika Camehl

Annika Camehl is an Assistant Professor (tenure track) at the Econometric Institute of Erasmus University Rotterdam.

New Research Fellow: Annika Camehl

Annika joined Erasmus University Rotterdam in September 2018 and was previously a Tinbergen Institute candidate fellow. 

Her main research field is applied econometrics. She focuses on multivariate time series analysis, especially on estimation, model selection and structural identification and the application to macroeconomic questions. 

Her works have been published in the American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics, International Journal of Forecasting, and Journal of Econometrics (forthcoming).

Camehl (née Schnücker) received her PhD from Freie Universität Berlin, Germany in 2018. She was a member of the DIW Berlin Graduate Center.