Home | News | Placement Eva F. Janssens: Federal Reserve Board
News | March 11, 2022

Placement Eva F. Janssens: Federal Reserve Board

In September 2022, Eva F. Janssens will join the Macroeconomic and Quantitative Studies section in the Research and Statistics division of the Federal Reserve Board as an Economist.

Placement Eva F. Janssens: Federal Reserve Board

Eva is a TI research master graduate (2018) and currently a PhD candidate at the University of Amsterdam under the supervision of research fellows Frank Kleibergen and Christian Stoltenberg. Her PhD is funded through a Research Talent Grant (2018) from the Dutch Research Council (NWO).

Eva’s research lies at the intersection of macroeconomics and econometrics and her dissertation studies the identification and estimation of parameters in macroeconomic models with heterogeneous agents. In addition, Eva has published several papers on macroeconomic contagion and macroeconomic time series, among others in the Journal of Money, Credit and Banking (joint with fellow Robin L. Lumsdaine) and the Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money (joint with fellow Philip Hans Franses).

Click here to visit Eva’s personal website. Click here to read more about Eva's appearance in the Dutch podcast Nieuwe Economen.