Home | News | Eva Janssens wins ASE Dissertation Award
News | January 26, 2024

Eva Janssens wins ASE Dissertation Award

Tinbergen Institute alumna Eva Frieda Janssens is the winner of the 2023 ASE Dissertation Award for her dissertation 'Estimation and identification in macroeconomic models with incomplete markets'.

Eva Janssens wins ASE Dissertation Award

According to the jury, her work ‘not only enriches the academic discourse but also holds profound implications for policy formulation’.

Janssens was not able to attend the event. Research fellow Frank Kleibergen (University of Amsterdam), one of her supervisors (together with research fellow Christian Stoltenberg), accepted the award on her behalf from ASE Research Institute director professor Randolph Sloof. 

Janssens currently works as an economist with the Federal Reserve Board of Governors in Washington DC, United States. She will soon be leaving this post to take up a new position as an Assistant Professor at the University of Michigan's Department of Economics. Eva is a Tinbergen Institute research master alumna (2018) and obtained her PhD Cum Laude from the University of Amsterdam (2022).

The other nominees for the award were alumna Katharina Brütt (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam), alumna Yun Xiao (University of Gothenburg, Sweden) and alumnus Andreas Ziegler (University of Essex, United Kingdom). 

The ASE Dissertation Award supersedes the Joop Hartog Dissertation Award. The prize has been awarded biannually by the Amsterdam School of Economics, University of Amsterdam since 2008. Previous Tinbergen Institute alumni winnars are Merrick Li (2019), Nadine Ketel and Florian Sniekers (2017), Artūras Juodis (2015), Domenico Massaro (2013). List may be incomplete.