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Home | People | Steven Poelhekke

Steven Poelhekke

Research Fellow

Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Research field
Spatial Economics
(International) Factor Mobility, Banking, Development, Monetary Economics, Resource Economics, Trade

List of publications

Beck, T. and Poelhekke, S. (2023). Follow the money: Does the financial sector intermediate natural resource windfalls? Journal of International Money and Finance, 130(February):1--17.

Pelzl, P. and Poelhekke, S. (2021). Good mine, bad mine: Natural resource heterogeneity and Dutch disease in Indonesia Journal of International Economics, 131:1--21.

Brunnschweiler, ChristaN. and Poelhekke, S. (2021). Pushing one's luck: Petroleum ownership and discoveries Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 109:1--8.

de Haas, R. and Poelhekke, S. (2019). Mining Matters: Natural Resource Extraction and Firm-level Constraints Journal of International Economics, 117:109--124.

van der Ploeg, R. and Poelhekke, S. (2017). The Impact of Natural Resources: A survey of recent quantitative evidence Journal of Development Studies, 53(2):205--216.

Bonfatti, R. and Poelhekke, S. (2017). From mine to coast: transport infrastructure and the direction of trade in developing countries Journal of Development Economics, 127:91–108.

Javorcik, B. and Poelhekke, S. (2017). Former Foreign Affiliates: Cast Out and Outperformed? Journal of the European Economic Association, 15(3):501--539.

Poelhekke, S. (2015). Do global banks facilitate foreign direct investment? European Economic Review, 76(May):25--46.

Poelhekke, S. and van der Ploeg, F. (2015). Green havens and pollution havens The World Economy, 38(7):1159--1178.

Cust, J. and Poelhekke, S. (2015). The Local Economic Impacts of Natural Resource Extraction Annual Review of Resource Economics, 7(October):251--268.

Poelhekke, S. (2013). Human capital and employment growth in German metropolitan areas: New evidence Regional Studies, 47(2):245--263.

Poelhekke, S. and van der Ploeg, F. (2013). Do natural resources attract nonresource FDI? Review of Economics and Statistics, 95(3):1046--1065.

Poelhekke, S. (2012). Urban growth and uninsured rural risk: booming towns in bust times Journal of Development Economics, 96(2):461--475.

Galati, G., Poelhekke, S. and Zhoua, C. (2011). Did the crisis affect inflation expectations? International Journal of Central Banking, 7(1):167--207.

van der Ploeg, F. and Poelhekke, S. (2010). The pungent smell of 'Red Herrings': subsoil assets, rents, volatility and the resource curse Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 60(1):44--55.

Du Caju, P., Katay, G., Lamo, A., Nicolitsas, D. and Poelhekke, S. (2010). Inter-industry wage differentials in EU countries: what do cross-country time varying data add to the picture? Journal of the European Economic Association, 8(2-3):478--486.

Poelhekke, S. and van der Ploeg, F. (2009). Foreign direct investment and urban concentrations: unbundling spatial lags Journal of Regional Science, 49(4):749--775.

van der Ploeg, F. and Poelhekke, S. (2009). Volatility and the natural resource curse Oxford Economic Papers, 61(4):727--760.

van der Ploeg, F. and Poelhekke, S. (2008). Globalization and the rise of mega-cities in the developing world Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society, 1(3):477--501.