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Home | People | Ward Romp

Ward Romp

Research Fellow

University of Amsterdam
Research field
Ageing, Macroeconomics, Pensions, Political Economy


In his current research, Ward focuses on the interaction of pension policy, ageing, and the macroeconomy. After obtaining his PhD from the University of Groningen, he worked as postdoc at the University of Amsterdam and policy advisor at APG. Currently he is associate professor at the Amsterdam School of Economics. His work has been published in the Journal of Public Economics, European Economic Review, and Economic Policy”

List of publications

Romp, W. and Beetsma, R. (2023). OECD Pension reform: the role of demographic trends and the business cycle European Journal of Political Economy, 77:.

Kastelein, P. and Romp, W. (2020). Pension Fund Restoration Policy in General Equilibrium Macroeconomic Dynamics, 24(7):1785--1814.

Beetsma, R., Klaassen, F., Romp, W. and van Maurik, R. (2020). What drives pension reforms in the OECD? Economic Policy, 35(102):357--402.

Van Der Heijden, M., Beetsma, R. and Romp, W. (2018). “Whatever it takes” and the role of Eurozone news Applied Economics Letters, 25(16):1166--1169.

Bikker, J., Knaap, T. and Romp, W. (2014). Measuring and explaining implicit risk sharing in defined benefit pension funds Applied Economics, 46(17):1996--2009.

Beetsma, R., Romp, W. and Vos, S. (2013). Intergenerational risk sharing, pensions and endogenous labour supply in general equilibrium The Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 115(1):141--154.

Beetsma, R., Romp, W. and Vos, S. (2012). Voluntary participation and intergenerational risk sharing in a funded pension system European Economic Review, 56(6):1310--1324.

Beetsma, R., Bovenberg, A. and Romp, W. (2011). Funded pensions and intergenerational and international risk sharing in general equilibrium Journal of International Money and Finance, 30(7):1516--1534.

Heijdra, B. and Romp, W. (2009). Human capital formation and macroeconomic performance in an ageing small open economy Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 33(3):725--744.

Heijdra, B. and Romp, W. (2009). Retirement, pensions, and ageing Journal of Public Economics, 93(3-4):586--604.

Heijdra, B. and Romp, W. (2008). A life-cycle overlapping-generations model of the small open econonmy Oxford Economic Papers, 60:88--121.