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David Veenman

Research Fellow

Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Research field

List of publications

Schafhäutle, S. and Veenman, D. (2024). Crowdsourced Forecasts and the Market Reaction to Earnings Announcement News The Accounting Review, 99(2):421–456.

Gassen, J., Skaife, H. and Veenman, D. (2020). Illiquidity and the Measurement of Stock Price Synchronicity Contemporary Accounting Research, 37(1):419--456.

Veenman, D. and Verwijmeren, P. (2018). Do investors fully unravel persistent pessimism in analysts' earnings forecasts? The Accounting Review, 93(3):349--377.

Leung, E. and Veenman, D. (2018). Non-GAAP Earnings Disclosure in Loss Firms Journal of Accounting Research, 56(4):1083--1137.

Bissessur, S. and Veenman, D. (2016). Analyst Information Precision and Small Earnings Surprises Review of Accounting Studies, 21(4):1327--1360.

Goncharov, I. and Veenman, D. (2014). Stale and Scale Effects in Markets-Based Accounting Research: Evidence from the Valuation of Dividends European Accounting Review, 23(1):25--55.

Veenman, D. (2013). Do Managers Trade on Public or Private Information? Evidence from Fundamental Valuations European Accounting Review, 22(3):427--465.

Impink, J., Lubberink, M., van Praag, B. and Veenman, D. (2012). Did Accelerated Filing Requirements and Sox Section 404 Affect the Timeliness of 10-K Filings? Review of Accounting Studies, 17(2):227--253.

Veenman, D. (2012). Disclosures of Insider Purchases and the Valuation Implications of Past Earnings Signals The Accounting Review, 87(1):313--342.

Cahan, S., Zhang, W. and Veenman, D. (2011). Did the waste management audit failures signal lower firm-wide audit quality at Arthur Andersen? Contemporary Accounting Research, 28(3):859--891.

Veenman, D., Hodgson, A., van Praag, B. and Zhang, W. (2011). Decomposing executive stock option exercises: relative information and incentives to manage earnings Journal of Business Finance and Accounting, 38(5/6):536--573.