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Home | People | Willem Verschoor

Willem Verschoor

Research Fellow

Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Research field
Exchange Rates, Finance, Risk Management



List of publications

Markiewicz, AgnieszkaP., Verhoeks, RalphC., Verschoor, WillemF.C. and Zwinkels, RemcoC.J. (2023). Inattentive Search for Currency Fundamentals IMF Economic Review, 71(4):907--952.

Buis, B., Pieterse-Bloem, M., Verschoor, W. and Zwinkels, R. (2020). Expected issuance fees and market liquidity Journal of Financial Markets, 48:1--20.

ter Ellen, S., Verschoor, WillemF.C. and Zwinkels, RemcoC.J. (2019). Agreeing on disagreement: Heterogeneity or uncertainty? Journal of Financial Markets, 44:17--30.

Qian, Z., Pieterse-Bloem, M., Verschoor, W. and Zwinkels, R. (2016). Time-Varying Importance of Country and Industry Factors in European Corporate Bonds Journal of Empirical Finance, 38:429--448.

Verschoor, W., Rubbaniy, G. and Lelyveld van, I.P.P. (2014). Home Bias and Dutch Pension Funds’ Investment behaviour European Journal of Finance, 20(11):978--993.

Verschoor, W., Ter Ellen, S. and Zwinkels, R. (2013). Dynamic Expectation Formation in the Foreign Exchange Market Journal of International Money and Finance, 37:75--97.

Verschoor, W. and Zwinkels, R. (2013). Do Foreign Exchange Fund Managers Behave Like Heterogeneous Agents? Quantitative Finance, 13(7):1125--1134.

Verschoor, W., Spronk, R. and Zwinkels, R. (2013). Carry Trade and Foreign Exchange Rate Puzzles European Economic Review, 60:17--31.

Verschoor, W., Kemp, R., Van den Broek, S. and De Vries, A.C. (2012). Reputational Penalties to Firms in Antitrust Investigations Journal of Competition Law and Economics, 8(2):231--258.

Jongen, R., Verschoor, W., Wolff, C. and Zwinkels, R. (2012). Explaining Dispersion in Foreign Exchange Expectations: A Heterogeneous Agent Approach Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 36(5):719--735.

Verschoor, W., Jongen, R. and Muller, A. (2012). Using Survey Data to Resolve the Exchange Risk Exposure Puzzle: Evidence from U.S. Multinational Firms Journal of International Money and Finance, 31(2):148--169.

Verschoor, W., Jongen, R. and Wolff, C. (2011). Time-Variation in Term Premia: International Survey-Based Evidence Journal of International Money and Finance, 30(4):605--622.

De Jong, E., Verschoor, W.F.C. and Zwinkels, R.C.J. (2010). Heterogeneity of agents and exchange rate dynamics: Evidence from the EMS Journal of International Money and Finance, 29(8):1652--1669.

Verschoor, W. and Muller, A. (2009). The Effect of Exchange Rate Variability on U.S. Shareholder Wealth Journal of Banking and Finance, 33(11):1963--1972.

De Jong, E., Verschoor, W.FC and Zwinkels, R.CJ (2009). A heterogeneous route to the European monetary system crisis Applied Economics Letters, 16(9):929--932.

De Jong, E., Verschoor, W.F.C. and Zwinkels, R.C.J. (2009). Behavioural heterogeneity and shift-contagion: Evidence from the Asian crisis Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 33(11):1929--1944.

Verschoor, W., Jongen, R. and Wolff, C. (2008). Foreign Exchange Rate Expectations: Survey and Synthesis Journal of Economic Surveys, 22(1):140--165.

Kleimeier, S., Lehnert, H. and Verschoor, W. (2008). Measuring financial contagion using time-aligned data: The importance of the speed of transmission of shocks Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 70(4):493--508.

Verschoor, W., Straetmans, S. and Wolff, C. (2008). Extreme US stock market fluctuations in the wake of 9/11 Journal of Applied Econometrics, 23(1):17--42.

Muller, A. and Verschoor, W. (2007). Asian foreign exchange risk exposure Journal of the Japanese and International Economies, 21:16--37.

Muller, A. and Verschoor, W. (2007). Trade and exposure of eastern European multinationals Emerging Markets Review, 8:218--229.

Verschoor, W. and Muller, A. (2006). European foreign exchange risk exposure European Financial Management, 12:195--220.

Verschoor, W. and Muller, A. (2006). Asymmetric foreign exchange risk exposure: evidence from U.S. multinationals Journal of Empirical Finance, 13:495--518.

Verschoor, W., Candelon, B. and Hecq, A. (2005). Measuring common cyclical features during financial turmoil: evidence of interdependence not contagion Journal of International Money and Finance, 24:1317--1334.

Verschoor, W. and Jansen, P. (2004). A Note on Transition Stock Return Behavior Applied Economics Letters, 11(1):11--13.

Verschoor, W. and Wolff, C. (2002). Scandinavian Exchange Rate Expectations Applied Economics Letters, 9:111--116.

Verschoor, W. and de Groot, C. (2002). Further Evidence on Asian Stock Return Behavior Emerging Markets Review, 3:179--193.

Verschoor, W. and Wolff, C. (2001). Exchange Risk Premia, Expectations Formation and News in the Mexican Peso / US Dollar Forward Exchange Rate Market International Review of Financial Analysis, 10:157--174.

Verschoor, W. and Wolff, C. (2001). Scandinavian Forward Discount Bias and Risk Premia Economics Letters, 73(1):65--72.

Verschoor, W., Wolff, C., Koedijk, C. and Cavaglia, S. (1998). Interest Expectations and Exchange Rates News Empirical Economics, 23:525--534.

Verschoor, W., Wolff, C. and Nieuwland, F. (1998). EMS Exchange Rate Expectations and Time-Varying Risk Premia Economics Letters, 60:351--355.

Verschoor, W., Nieuwland, F. and Bauer, R. (1994). German Stock Market Dynamics Empirical Economics, 19:397--418.

Verschoor, W., Nieuwland, F. and Wolff, C. (1994). Stochastic Trends and Jumps in EMS Exchange Rates Journal of International Money and Finance, 13:699--727.

Verschoor, W., Cavaglia, S. and Wolff, C. (1993). Asian Exchange Rate Expectations Journal of the Japanese and International Economies, 7:57--77.

Verschoor, W., Cavaglia, S. and Wolff, C. (1993). Further Evidence on Exchange Rate Expectations Journal of International Money and Finance, 12:78--98.