Utz Weitzel
Utz Weitzel is Professor of Experimental Finance at the VU Amsterdam and at Radboud University. Previously he was Professor of Finance at Utrecht University. He received a PhD from the Humboldt-University Berlin, was a post-doc at the J.L. Kellogg Graduate School of Management, and a Research Fellow at the Max Planck Institute of Economics. He is director of the Society for Experimental Finance. His research focuses on experimental finance/economics and behavioral finance.
Key publications

List of publications
Füllbrunn, S., Huber, C., Eckel, C. and Weitzel, U. (2024). Heterogeneity of Beliefs and Trading Behavior: A Reexamination Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 59(3):1337--1361.
Menkveld, A., Dreber, A., Holzmeister, F., Huber, J., Johanesson, M., Kirchler, M., Razen, M., Weitzel, U., Vladimirov, V., Caskurlu, T. and co-authors, O. (2024). Nonstandard Errors The Journal of Finance, :.
Rezaei, S., Rosenkranz, S., Weitzel, U. and Westbrock, B. (2024). Social preferences on networks Journal of Public Economics, 234:1--28.
Weitzel, U. and Kirchler, M. (2023). The Banker's oath and financial advice Journal of Banking and Finance, 148(March):1--14.
Schwaiger, R., Huber, J., Kirchler, M., Kleinlercher, D. and Weitzel, U. (2022). Unequal opportunities, social groups, and redistribution: Evidence from Germany Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, 100:1--21.
Lindner, F., Kirchler, M., Rosenkranz, S. and Weitzel, U. (2021). Social Motives and Risk-Taking in Investment Decisions Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 127:1--16.
Schwaiger, R., Kirchler, M., Lindner, F. and Weitzel, U. (2020). Determinants of investor expectations and satisfaction. A study with financial professionals Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 110:.
Janssen, D.J., Li, J., Qiu, J. and Weitzel, U. (2020). The disposition effect and underreaction to private information Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 113:1--28.
Weitzel, U., Huber, C., Huber, J., Kirchler, M., Lindner, F. and Rose, J. (2020). Bubbles and financial professionals Review of Financial Studies, 33(6):2659--2696.
Kirchler, M., Lindner, F. and Weitzel, U. (2020). Delegated investment decisions and rankings Journal of Banking and Finance, 120:1--10.
Füllbrunn, S., Janssen, D.J. and Weitzel, U. (2019). Risk aversion and overbidding in first price sealed bid auctions.: New experimental evidence Economic Inquiry, 57(1):631--647.
Heinicke, F., Rosenkranz, S. and Weitzel, U. (2019). The effect of pledges on the distribution of lying behavior: An online experiment Journal of Economic Psychology, 73:136--151.
Janssen, D.J., Füllbrunn, S. and Weitzel, U. (2019). Individual speculative behavior and overpricing in experimental asset markets Experimental Economics, 22(3):653--675.
Kirchler, M., Lindner, F. and Weitzel, U. (2018). Rankings and Risk-Taking in the Finance Industry The Journal of Finance, 73(5):2271--2302.
Weitzel, U. and Kling, G. (2018). Sold Below Value? Why Takeover Offers Can Have Negative Premiums Financial Management, 47(2):421--450.
Goyal, S., Rosenkranz, S., Weitzel, U. and Buskens, V. (2017). Information Acquisition and Exchange in Social Networks Economic Journal, 127(606):2302--2331.
Fairley, K. and Weitzel, U. (2017). Ambiguity and risk measures in the lab and students’ real-life borrowing behavior Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, 67:85--98.
Danakol, S.H., Estrin, S., Reynolds, P. and Weitzel, U. (2017). Foreign direct investment via M&A and domestic entrepreneurship: blessing or curse? Small Business Economics, 48(3):599--612.
Qiu, J. and Weitzel, U. (2016). Experimental evidence on valuation with multiple priors Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, 53(1):55--74.
Fairley, K., Sanfey, A., Vyrastekova, J. and Weitzel, U. (2016). Trust and risk revisited Journal of Economic Psychology, 57:74--85.
Füllbrunn, S., Rau, HolgerA. and Weitzel, U. (2014). Does ambiguity aversion survive in experimental asset markets? Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 107(PB):810--826.
Weitzel, U., Kling, G. and Gerritsen, D. (2014). Testing the fire-sale FDI hypothesis for the European financial crisis Journal of International Money and Finance, 49(PB):211--234.
Muehlfeld, K., Weitzel, U. and van Witteloostuijn, A. (2013). Fight or freeze? Individual differences in investors' motivational systems and trading in experimental asset markets Journal of Economic Psychology, 34:195--209.
Rosenkranz, S. and Weitzel, U. (2012). Network structure and strategic investments: An experimental analysis Games and Economic Behavior, 75(2):898--920.
Urbig, D., Weitzel, U., Rosenkranz, S. and Witteloostuijn, A.V. (2012). Exploiting opportunities at all cost? Entrepreneurial intent and externalities Journal of Economic Psychology, 33(2):379--393.
Muehlfeld, K., Weitzel, U. and van Witteloostuijn, A. (2011). Mergers and acquisitions in the global food processing industry in 1986-2006 Food Policy, 36(4):466--479.
Weitzel, U., Urbig, D., Desai, S., Sanders, M. and Acs, Z. (2010). The good, the bad, and the talented: Entrepreneurial talent and selfish behavior Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 76(1):64--81.
Cefis, E., Rosenkranz, S. and Weitzel, U. (2009). Effects of coordinated strategies on product and process R&D Journal of Economics, 96(3):193--222.