Erik Ansink
List of publications
Tomori, F., Ansink, E., Houba, H., Hagerty, N. and Bos, CharlesS. (2024). Market power in California's water market American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 106(3):1274--1299.
Ansink, E., Wijk, L. and Zuidmeer, F. (2022). No clue about bioplastics Ecological Economics, 191:1--13.
Ansink, E., Weikard, H. and Withagen, C. (2019). International environmental agreements with support Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 97:241--252.
Ansink, E., Gengenbach, M. and Weikard, H.P. (2017). River coalitions and water trade Oxford Economic Papers, 69(2):453--469.
Ansink, E., Tesfaye, A., Bouma, J. and Brouwer, R. (2017). Cooperation in watershed management: A field experiment on location, trust, and enforcement Resource and Energy Economics, 50:91--104.
van Besouw, B., Ansink, E. and van Bavel, B. (2016). The economics of violence in natural states Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 132:139--156.
Ansink, E. and Houba, H. (2016). Sustainable Agreements on Stochastic River Flow Resource and Energy Economics, 44:92--117.
Ansink, E. and Weikard, H. (2015). Composition properties in the river claims problem Social Choice and Welfare, 44(4):807--831.
Bouma, J., Joy, K., Paranjape, S. and Ansink, E. (2014). The Influence of Legitimacy Perceptions on Cooperation – A Framed Field Experiment World Development, 57:127--137.
Ansink, E. and Houba, H. (2012). Market power in water markets Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 64(2):237--252.
Ansink, E. and Weikard, H. (2012). Sequential sharing rules for river sharing problems Social Choice and Welfare, 38(2):187--210.
Groeneveld, R., Ansink, E., van de Wiel, C. and Wesseler, J. (2011). Benefits and costs of biologically contained GM tomatoes and eggplants in Italy and Spain Sustainability, 3(8):1265--1281.
Ansink, E. (2011). The Arctic scramble: introducing claims in a contest mode European Journal of Political Economy, 27:693--707.
Ansink, E. (2010). Refuting two claims about virtual water trade Ecological Economics, 69(10):2027--2032.
Ansink, E. and Weikard, H.P. (2009). Contested water rights European Journal of Political Economy, 25(2):247--260.
Ansink, E. and Ruijs, A. (2008). Climate change and the stability of water allocation agreements Environmental and Resource Economics, 41(2):249--266.