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Robert Dur

Research Fellow

Erasmus University Rotterdam
Research field
Organizations and Markets
Experimental Economics, Organizational Economics, Personnel Economics

Key publications

List of publications

Cotofan, M., Cassar, L., Dur, R. and Meijer, S. (2023). Macroeconomic Conditions When Young Shape Job Preferences for Life Review of Economics and Statistics, 105(2):467--473.

Delfgaauw, J., Dur, R., Onemu, O. and Sol, J. (2022). Team Incentives, Social Cohesion, and Performance: A Natural Field Experiment Management Science, 68(1):230--256.

Dur, R., Kvaløy, O. and Schöttner, A. (2022). Leadership Styles and Labor-Market Conditions Management Science, 68(4):3150--3168.

Dur, R., Fleming, D., Van Garderen, M. and Van Lent, M. (2021). A Social Norm Nudge to Save More: A Field Experiment at a Retail Bank Journal of Public Economics, 200:.

Buurman, M., Delfgaauw, J., Dur, R. and Zoutenbier, R. (2020). When Do Teachers Respond to Student Feedback? Evidence from a Field Experiment Labour Economics, 65:.

Dur, R. and Schmittdiel, H. (2019). Paid to Quit De Economist, 167(4):1--20.

Dur, R. and Vollaard, B. (2019). Salience of law enforcement: A field experiment Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 93:208--220.

Dur, R. and Lent, M. (2018). Serving the Public Interest in Several Ways: Theory and Empirics Labour Economics, 51:13--24.

Bradler, C., Dur, R., Neckermann, S. and Non, J. (2016). Employee Recognition and Performance: A Field Experiment. Management Science, 62(11):3085--3099.

Delfgaauw, J., Dur, R., Non, J. and Verbeke, W. (2015). The Effects of Prize Spread and Noise in Elimination Tournaments: A Natural Field Experiment Journal of Labor Economics, 33(3):521--569.

Dur, R. and Tichem, J. (2015). Altruism and Relational Incentives in the Workplace Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, 24(3):485--500.

Dur, R. and Zoutenbier, R. (2015). Intrinsic Motivation of Public Sector Employees: Evidence for Germany German Economic Review, 16(3):343--366.

Dahm, M., Dur, R. and Glazer, A. (2014). How a Firm Can Induce Legislators to Adopt a Bad Policy Public Choice, 159(1-2):63--82.

Delfgaauw, J., Dur, R., Non, J. and Verbeke, W. (2014). Dynamic Incentive Effects of Relative Performance Pay: A Field Experiment Labour Economics, 28:1--13.

Delfgaauw, J., Dur, R., Sol, J.(. and Verbeke, W. (2013). Tournament Incentives in the Field: Gender Differences in the Workplace Journal of Labor Economics, 32(2):305--326.

Dur, R. and van der Weele, J. (2013). Status-Seeking in Criminal Subcultures and the Double Dividend of Zero-Tolerance Journal of Public Economic Theory, 15(1):77--93.

Buurman, M. and Dur, R. (2012). Incentives and the Sorting of Altruistic Agents into Street-Level Bureaucracies The Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 114(4):1318--1345.

Buurman, M., Delfgaauw, J., Dur, R. and Van den Bossche, S. (2012). Public Sector Employees: Risk Averse and Altruistic? Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 83(3):279--291.

Delfgaauw, J. and Dur, R. (2010). Managerial Talent, Motivation, and Self-selection into Public Management Journal of Public Economics, 94(9-10):654--660.

Dur, R. and Glazer, A. (2010). Editorial introduction Economics of Governance, 11(1):1--2.

Dur, R., Non, J. and Roelfsema, H. (2010). Reciprocity and Incentive Pay in the Workplace Journal of Economic Psychology, 31(4):676--686.

Dur, R. and Sol, J.(. (2010). Social Interaction, Co-Worker Altruism, and Incentives Games and Economic Behavior, 69(2):293--301.

Dur, R. and Roelfsema, H. (2010). Social Exchange and Common Agency in Organizations Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, 39(1):55--63.

Dur, R. and Roelfsema, H. (2010). Social Exchange and Common Agency in Organizations Journal of Socio-economics, 39(1):55--63.

Delfgaauw, J. and Dur, R. (2009). From Public Monopsony to Competitive Market: More Efficiency but Higher Prices Oxford Economic Papers, 61(3):586--602.

Dur, R. (2009). Gift Exchange in the Workplace: Money or Attention? Journal of the European Economic Association, 7(2-3):550--560.

Delfgaauw, J. and Dur, R. (2008). Incentives and Workers: Motivation in the Public Sector Economic Journal, 118(525):171--191.

Dur, R. and Staal, K.(. (2008). Local Public Good Provision, Municipal Consolidation, and National Transfers Regional Science and Urban Economics, 38(2):160--173.

Dur, R. and Glazer, A. (2008). Optimal Contracts When a Worker Envies His Boss Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization, 24(1):120--137.

Dur, R. and Glazer, A. (2008). Subsidizing Enjoyable Education Labour Economics, 15(5):1023--1039.

Dur, R. and Glazer, A. (2008). The Desire for Impact Journal of Economic Psychology, 29(3):285--300.

Glazer, A. and Dur, R. (2008). Editorial announcement Economics of Governance, 9(2):101.

Beniers, K.(. and Dur, R. (2007). Politicians' motivation, political culture, and electoral competition International Tax and Public Finance, 14:29--54.

Delfgaauw, J. and Dur, R. (2007). Signaling and screening of workers' motivation Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 62:605--624.

Dur, R. and Swank, O. (2005). Producing and Manipulating Information Economic Journal, 115:185--199.

Dur, R. and Roelfsema, H. (2005). Why Does Centralisation Fail to Internalise Policy Externalities? Public Choice, 122(3/4):395--416.

Dur, R., Teulings, C.(. and Rens, T. (2004). Should higher education subsidies depend on parental income? Oxford Review of Economic Policy, 20(2):284--397.

Dur, R. (2001). Explaining unemployment trends in the Netherlands Journal of Policy Modeling, 23(2):161--168.

Dur, R. (2001). The credibility problem in unemployment insurance policy Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, 157(4):634--650.

Dur, R. (2001). Wage-setting institutions, unemployment, and voters' demand for redistribution policy Scottish Journal of Political Economy, 48(5):517--531.

Swank, O. and Dur, R. (2001). Why do policy makers give (permanent) power to policy advisers? Economics and Politics, 13(1):73--93.

Dur, R. (2001). Why do policy makers stick to inefficient decisions? Public Choice, 107(3/4):221--234.

Dur, R. (1999). Mismatch between unemployment and vacancies in the Dutch labour market Applied Economics, 31(2):237--244.

Swank, O., Peletier, B. and Dur, R. (1999). Voting on the budget deficit: comment American Economic Review, (89):1377--1381.

Dur, R. and Swank, O. (1998). The role of governmental agreements in breaking political deadlock European Journal of Political Economy, 14(3):561--572.