Tanja Artiga-Gonzalez
Tanja Artiga González is an Associate Professor of Finance at VU University Amsterdam. She obtained her PhD in Finance from the University of St. Gallen in Switzerland in 2015. Her research focuses on the area of empirical corporate finance. In particular, she is interested in questions on the relationship and potential conflicts of interest between top management, the board of directors, and shareholders.
List of publications
Artiga Gonzalez, T., Dyakov, T., Inhoffen, J. and Wipplinger, E. (2024). Crowding of international mutual funds Journal of Banking and Finance, 164:1--17.
Artiga González, T., van Lelyveld, I. and Lučivjanská, K. (2020). Pension fund equity performance: Patience, activity or both? Journal of Banking and Finance, 115:1--16.
Artiga González, T. and Calluzzo, P. (2020). A new breed of activism Finance Research Letters, 37:.