Michiel Gerritse
List of publications
Capello, R., Caragliu, A. and Gerritse, M. (2022). Continuous vs. Discrete Urban Ranks: Explaining the Evolution in the Italian Urban Hierarchy over Five Decades Economic Geography, 98(5):438--463.
Gerritse, M. (2022). COVID-19 transmission in cities European Economic Review, 150:.
Gerritse, M. (2021). Does trade cause detrimental specialization in developing economies? Evidence from countries south of the Suez Canal Journal of Development Economics, 152:.
Gerritse, M. (2019). World Trade Evolution: Growth, Productivity and Employment (Eds Ing and Yu) Journal of Regional Science, 59:.
Koster, HansR.A., Cheng, F.F., Gerritse, M. and van Oort, FrankG. (2019). Place-based policies, firm productivity, and displacement effects: Evidence from Shenzhen, China Journal of Regional Science, 59(2):187--213.
Gerritse, M. and Rodríguez-Pose, A. (2018). Does federal contracting spur development? Federal contracts, income, output, and jobs in US cities Journal of Urban Economics, 107:121--135.
Gerritse, M. (2018). Masters of Craft Papers in Regional Science, 97:.
Gerritse, M. (2017). Concrete agglomeration benefits: do roads improve urban productivity or just attract people? Regional Studies, 52(8):1134--1149.
Gerritse, M. (2016). Does institutional change spread across countries? Explaining spatial patterns in human rights. The World Economy, 40(5):906--930.
Gerritse, M. (2014). Competing for firms under agglomeration: Policy timing and welfare Regional Science and Urban Economics, 49:48--57.
Gerritse, M. and Faber, G. (2012). Foreign determinants of local institutions and income: openness and spatial dependence European Journal of Political Economy, 28(1):54--63.
Gerritse, M. and Moreno-Monroy, A. (2012). Informal sector and manufacturing location: in search of the missing links. Spatial Economic Analysis, 7(2):179--201.