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Home | People | Henri de Groot

Henri de Groot

Research Fellow

Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Research field
Spatial Economics
Globalization, Macroeconomics, Regional and Urban Economics, Spatial Economics, Technological Progress

List of publications

Donovan, S., de Graaff, T., de Groot, HenriL.F. and Koopmans, CarlC. (2024). Unraveling urban advantages—A meta-analysis of agglomeration economies Journal of Economic Surveys, 38(1):168--200.

Donovan, S., de Graaff, T., de Groot, HenriL.F. and Schiff, A. (2024). An urban overhead?: Crime, agglomeration, and amenity Journal of Housing Economics, 64(June):1--14.

Bremer, L., den Nijs, S. and de Groot, HenriL.F. (2024). The energy efficiency gap and barriers to investments: Evidence from a firm survey in The Netherlands Energy Economics, 133:.

Donovan, S., de Graaff, T., Grimes, A., de Groot, HenriL.F. and Maré, DavidC. (2022). Cities with forking paths? Agglomeration economies in New Zealand 1976–2018 Regional Science and Urban Economics, 95:1--17.

Panzera, E., de Graaff, T. and de Groot, HenriL.F. (2021). European cultural heritage and tourism flows: The magnetic role of superstar World Heritage Sites Papers in Regional Science, 100(1):101--122.

Fevriera, S., de Groot, HenriL.F. and Mulder, P. (2021). DOES URBAN FORM AFFECT MOTORCYCLE USE? EVIDENCE FROM YOGYAKARTA, INDONESIA Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies, 57(2):203--232.

Brata, A., de Groot, H.L.F., Rietveld, P., Resosudarmo, B. and Zant, W. (2021). Resilience toward volcanic eruptions: Risk perception and disaster microinsurance in Yogyakarta, Indonesia Sustainability, 13(16):.

Groot, StefanP.T. and de Groot, HenriL.F. (2020). Estimating the Skill Bias in Agglomeration Externalities and Social Returns to Education: Evidence from Dutch Matched Worker-Firm Micro-Data De Economist, 168:53--78.

Teulings, CoenN., Ossokina, IouliaV. and de Groot, HenriL.F. (2018). Land use, worker heterogeneity and welfare benefits of public goods Journal of Urban Economics, 103:67--82.

Caragliu, A., de Dominicis, L. and de Groot, H.L.F. (2016). Both Jacobs and Marshall Were Right! Economic Geography, 92(1):87--111.

de Groot, H.L.F., Poot, J. and Smit, M. (2016). Which Agglomeration Externalities Matter Most and Why? Journal of Economic Surveys, 30(4):756--782.

Lankhuizen, M., de Graaff, T. and de Groot, H.L.F. (2015). Product Heterogeneity, Intangible Barriers and Distance Decay: The effect of multiple dimensions of distance on trade across different product categories Spatial Economic Analysis, 10(2):137--159.

Smit, M., Abreu, M. and de Groot, H.L.F. (2015). Micro-evidence on the determinants of innovation in the Netherlands: The relative importance of absorptive capacity and agglomeration externalities Papers in Regional Science, 94(2):249--272.

Groot, S., de Groot, H.L.F. and Smit, M. (2014). Regional Wage Differences in the Netherlands: Micro Evidence on Agglomeration Externalities Journal of Regional Science, 54(3):503--523.

Husby, T., de Groot, H.L.F., Hofkes, M. and Dröes, M. (2014). Do floods have permanent effects? Evidence from the Netherlands Journal of Regional Science, 54(3):355--377.

Brata, A., de Groot, H.L.F. and Rietveld, P. (2014). The Impact of the Indian Ocean Tsunami and the Nias Earthquake on the Spatial Distribution of Population in Northern Sumatra Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies, 50(1):101--121.

Mulder, P., de Groot, H.L.F. and Pfeiffer, B. (2014). Dynamics and determinants of energy intensity in the service sector: A cross-country analysis, 1980–2005 Ecological Economics, 100(April):1--15.

de Dominicis, L., Arbia, G. and de Groot, H.L.F. (2013). Concentration of Manufacturing and Service Sector Activities in Italy: Accounting for Spatial Dependence and Firm Size Distribution Regional Studies, 47(3):405--418.

de Dominicis, L., Florax, R. and de Groot, H.L.F. (2013). Regional clusters of innovative activity in Europe: are social capital and geographical proximity key determinants? Applied Economics, 45(17):2325--2335.

Mulder, P. and de Groot, H.L.F. (2013). Dutch sectoral energy intensity developments in international perspective, 1987–2005 Energy Policy, 52:501--512.

de Groot, H.L.F., van Ewijk, C. and Santing, C. (2012). A Meta-Analysis of the Equity Premium Journal of Empirical Finance, 19(5):819--830.

de Groot, H.L.F. and Mulder, P. (2012). Structural Change and Convergence of Energy Intensity across OECD Countries Energy Economics, 34(6):1910--1921.

Lankhuizen, M., de Groot, H.L.F. and Linders, G. (2011). The trade-off between foreign direct investments and exports: The role of multiple dimensions of distance The World Economy, 34(8):1395--1416.

van Bergeijk, P.A.G., Fortanier, F., Garretsen, J., de Groot, H.L.F. and Moons, S. (2011). Productivity and Internationalization A Micro/Data Approach De Economist, 159(4):381--388.

Groot, S., Mohlmann, J., Garretsen, H. and de Groot, H.L.F. (2011). The crisis sensitivity of European countries and regions: Stylized facts and spatial heterogeneity Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society, 4:437--456.

de Groot, H.L.F. and de Vor, F. (2011). The Impact of Industrial Sites on Residential Property Values: A Hedonic Pricing Analysis from the Netherlands Regional Studies, 45(5):609--623.

Koetse, M., de Groot, H.L.F. and Florax, R. (2009). A meta-analysis of the investment-uncertainty relationship Southern Economic Journal, 76(1):283--306.

Koetse, M., de Groot, H.L.F. and Florax, R. (2008). Capital-Energy Substitution and Shifts in Factor Demand: A Meta-Analysis Energy Economics, 30(5):2236--2251.

de Dominicis, L., Florax, R. and de Groot, H.L.F. (2008). A Meta-Analysis on the Relationship between Income Inequality and Economic Growth Scottish Journal of Political Economy, 55(5):654--682.

Ederveen, S., de Groot, H.L.F. and Nahuis, R. (2006). Fertile Soil for Structural Funds? A panel data analysis of the conditional effectiveness of European cohesion policy Kyklos, 59(1):17--42.

de Groot, H.L.F. and Mulder, P. (2006). Sectoral Energy- and Labour-Productivity Convergence Environmental and Resource Economics, 36:85--112.

Koetse, M., van der Vlist, A.J. and de Groot, H.L.F. (2006). The Impact of Perceived Expectations and Uncertainty on Firm Investment Small Business Economics, 26(4):365--376.

Abreu, M., de Groot, H.L.F. and Florax, R. (2005). A Meta-Analysis of Beta-Convergence: the legendary two percent Journal of Economic Surveys, 19(3):389--420.

de Groot, H.L.F., Linders, G., Rietveld, P. and Subramanian, U. (2004). The Institutional Determinants of Bilateral Trade Patterns Kyklos, 57(1):103--123.

de Groot, H.L.F. (2004). European Regional Growth [Review of: B. Fingleton (2003) European Regional Growth] Papers in Regional Science, 83:735--737.

Beugelsdijk, S., de Groot, H.L.F. and van Schaik, A.B.T.M. (2004). Trust and Economic Growth Oxford Economic Papers, 56(1):118--134.

Withagen, C., de Groot, H.L.F. and Minliang, Z. (2004). The dynamics of China's regional development and pollution: an investigation into the environmental Kuznets curve Environment and Development Economics, 9:507--537.

Dalhuisen, J., Florax, R., de Groot, H.L.F. and Nijkamp, P. (2003). Price and Income Elasticities of Residential Water Demand: A Meta-Analysis Land Economics, 79(2):292--308.

Mulder, P., de Groot, H.L.F. and Hofkes, M. (2003). Explaining slow diffusion of energy-saving technologies: a vintage model with returns to diversity and learning-by-using Resource and Energy Economics, 25(1):105--126.

de Groot, H.L.F. and Nahuis, R. (2002). Optimal product variety and economic growth: the trade-off between internal and external economies of scale Journal of Economics, 76(1):1--32.

de Groot, H.L.F., Canton, E. and Nahuis, R. (2002). Vested interest and resistance to technology adoption European Journal of Political Economy, 18(4):631--652.

de Groot, H.L.F. and van Schaik, A.B.T.M. (2002). The macroeconomic consequences of downsizing Economic Modelling, 19(3):331--351.

de Groot, H.L.F., Nijkamp, P. and Acs, Z. (2001). Knowledge spill-overs, innovation and regional development: introduction Papers in Regional Science, 80(3):249--253.

de Groot, H.L.F., Verhoef, E. and Nijkamp, P. (2001). Energy saving by firms: decision making, barriers and policies Energy Economics, 23(6):717--740.

de Groot, H.L.F. (2001). Macroeconomic consequences of outsourcing: an analysis of growth, welfare and product variety De Economist, 149(1):33--51.

de Groot, H.L.F. and Nahuis, R. (1998). Taste for Diversity and the Optimality of Economic Growth Economics Letters, 58:291--295.

De Groot, HenriL.F. and Van Schaik, AntonB.T.M. (1997). Unemployment and catching up: Europe vis-à-vis the USA De Economist, 145(2):179--201.