Hans Koster
Key publications
List of publications
Koster, HansR.A. and Rouwendal, J. (2024). HOUSING MARKET DISCOUNT RATES: EVIDENCE FROM BARGAINING AND BIDDING WARS International Economic Review, 65(2):955--1002.
Koster, HansR.A. (2024). The Welfare Effects of Greenbelt Policy: Evidence from England Economic Journal, 134(657):363--401.
Koster, HansR.A. and Thisse, J.F. (2024). Understanding Spatial Agglomeration: Increasing Returns, Land, and Transportation Costs Annual Review of Economics, 16:55--78.
Droes, M. and Koster, H. (2023). A world divided: refugee centers, house prices and household preferences Journal of Economic Geography, 23(1):51–90.
Ostermeijer, F., Koster, H., Nunes, L. and van Ommeren, J. (2022). Citywide parking policy and traffic: Evidence from Amsterdam Journal of Urban Economics, 128:1--15.
Steijn, MathieuP.A., Koster, HansR.A. and Van Oort, FrankG. (2022). The dynamics of industry agglomeration: Evidence from 44 years of coagglomeration patterns Journal of Urban Economics, 130:1--14.
Koster, HansR.A., Tabuchi, T. and Thisse, J.F. (2022). To be connected or not to be connected? The role of long-haul economies Journal of Economic Geography, 22(4):711--753.
Gaigné, C., Koster, H., Moizeau, F. and Thisse, J. (2022). Who lives where in the city? Amenities, commuting and income sorting Journal of Urban Economics, 128:1--27.
Koster, HansR.A. and Pinchbeck, EdwardW. (2022). How Do Households Value the Future? Evidence from Property Taxes American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, 14(1):207--239.
Ostermeijer, F., Koster, HansR.A., Van Ommeren, J. and Nielsen, V.M. (2022). Automobiles and urban density Journal of Economic Geography, 22(5):1073--1095.
Dericks, GerardH. and Koster, HansR.A. (2021). The billion pound drop: The Blitz and agglomeration economies in London Journal of Economic Geography, 21(6):869--897.
Koster, HansR.A., van Ommeren, J. and Volkhausen, N. (2021). Short-term rentals and the housing market: Quasi-experimental evidence from Airbnb in Los Angeles Journal of Urban Economics, 124:.
Koster, HansR.A. and Ozgen, C. (2021). Cities and tasks Journal of Urban Economics, 126:1--25.
Dröes, M. and Koster, H. (2021). Wind turbines, solar farms, and house prices Energy Policy, 155:.
Koster, HansR.A. and van Ommeren, J. (2020). Housing search frictions and optimal search Economics Letters, 189:1--3.
de Groote, J., van Ommeren, J. and Koster, HansR.A. (2019). The effect of paid parking and bicycle subsidies on employees’ parking demand Transportation Research. Part A, Policy and Practice, 128:46--58.
Ostermeijer, F., Koster, H.R. and van Ommeren, J. (2019). Residential parking costs and car ownership: Implications for parking policy and automated vehicles Regional Science and Urban Economics, 77:276--288.
Koster, HansR.A., Pasidis, I. and van Ommeren, J. (2019). Shopping externalities and retail concentration: Evidence from dutch shopping streets Journal of Urban Economics, 114:1--29.
Koster, HansR.A. and van Ommeren, J. (2019). Place-based policies and the housing market Review of Economics and Statistics, 101(3):400--414.
Koster, HansR.A., Cheng, F.F., Gerritse, M. and van Oort, FrankG. (2019). Place-based policies, firm productivity, and displacement effects: Evidence from Shenzhen, China Journal of Regional Science, 59(2):187--213.
De Groote, J., Van Ommeren, J. and Koster, HansR.A. (2018). The impact of parking policy on house prices Journal of Transport Economics and Policy, 52(3):267--282.
Cheshire, P., Hilber, ChristianA.L. and Koster, HansR.A. (2018). Empty homes, longer commutes: The unintended consequences of more restrictive local planning Journal of Public Economics, 158(2):126--151.
Koster, HansR.A. and Rouwendal, J. (2017). Historic Amenities and Housing Externalities: Evidence from the Netherlands Economic Journal, 127(605):F396--F420.
Koster, H., van Ommeren, J.N. and Rietveld, P. (2016). Historic amenities, income and sorting of households Journal of Economic Geography, 16(1):203--236.
Droes, M. and Koster, H. (2016). Renewable Energy and Negative Externalities: The Effects of Wind Turbines on House Prices Journal of Urban Economics, 96(November):121--141.
Koster, P. and Koster, H. (2015). Commuters’ preferences for fast and reliable travel: A semi-parametric estimation approach Transportation Research. Part B, Methodological, 81(1):289--301.
Koster, H. and van Ommeren, J.N. (2015). A Shaky Business: Natural Gas Extraction, Earthquakes and House Prices European Economic Review, 80:120--139.
Koster, H., van Ommeren, J.N. and Rietveld, P. (2014). Agglomeration Economies and Productivity: A Structural Estimation Approach Using Commercial Rents Economica, 81(321):63--85.
Koster, H., van Ommeren, J.N. and Rietveld, P. (2014). Estimation of semiparametric sorting models: Explaining geographical concentration of business services Regional Science and Urban Economics, 44(January):14--28.
Jacobs, W., Koster, H. and van Oort, F.G. (2014). Co-agglomeration of knowledge-intensive business services and multinational enterprises Journal of Economic Geography, 14(2):443--475.
Koster, H., van Ommeren, J.N. and Rietveld, P. (2014). Is the sky the limit? High-rise buildings and office rents Journal of Economic Geography, 14(1):125--153.
Koster, H. and Rouwendal, J. (2013). Agglomeration, commuting costs, and the internal structure of cities Regional Science and Urban Economics, 43(2):352--366.
Koster, H., van Ommeren, J.N. and Rietveld, P. (2012). Bombs, Boundaries and Buildings: A Regression Discontinuity Design to Measure Costs of Housing Supply Restrictions Regional Science and Urban Economics, 42(4):631--641.
Koster, H. and Rouwendal, J. (2012). The Impact of Mixed Land Use on Residential Property Values Journal of Regional Science, 52(5):733--761.
Ducruet, C., Koster, H. and Beek, D.J.vander (2010). Commodity Variety and Seaport Performance Regional Studies, 44(9):1221--1240.