Evgenia Motchenkova
Key publications
List of publications
Dijk, E., Moraga Gonzalez, J. and Motchenkova, E. (2024). How Do Start-up Acquisitions Affect the Direction of Innovation? Journal of Industrial Economics, 72(1):118--156.
Dijk, EsméeS.R., Moraga-González, JoséL. and Motchenkova, E. (2024). Start-up acquisitions, strategic R&D, and the entrant's and incumbent's direction of innovation Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, :.
Houba, H., Motchenkova, E. and Wang, H. (2023). Endogenous personalized pricing in the Hotelling model Economics Letters, 225:1--4.
Moraga-González, J., Motchenkova, E. and Nevrekar, S. (2022). Mergers and innovation portfolios RAND Journal of Economics, 53(4):641--677.
Katsoulacos, Y., Motchenkova, E. and Ulph, D. (2020). Combining cartel penalties and private damage actions: The impact on cartel prices International Journal of Industrial Organization, 73:1--18.
Katsoulacos, Y., Motchenkova, E. and Ulph, D. (2020). Penalising on the Basis of the Severity of the Offence: A Sophisticated Revenue-Based Cartel Penalty Review of Industrial Organization, 57(3):627--646.
Funaki, Y., Houba, H. and Motchenkova, E. (2020). Market power in bilateral oligopoly markets with non-expandable infrastructures International Journal of Game Theory, 49(2):525--546.
Houba, H., Motchenkova, E. and Wen, Q. (2018). Legal Principles in Antitrust Enforcement The Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 120(3):859--893.
Katsoulacos, Y., Motchenkova, E. and Ulph, D. (2015). Penalizing cartels: The case for basing penalties on price overcharge International Journal of Industrial Organization, 42(September):70--80.
Motchenkova, E. (2014). Cost minimizing sequential punishment policies for repeat offenders Applied Economics Letters, 21(5):360--365.
Lianos, I. and Motchenkova, E. (2013). Market Dominance and Search Quality in the Search Engine Market Journal of Competition Law and Economics, 9(2):419--455.
Houba, H., Motchenkova, E. and Wen, Q. (2012). Competitive Prices as Optimal Cartel Prices Economics Letters, 114(1):39--42.
Halbersma, R., Mikkers, M., Motchenkova, E. and Seinen, I. (2011). Market Structure and Hospital-Insurer Bargaining in the Netherlands The European Journal Of Health Economics, 12(6):589--603.
Motchenkova, E. (2008). Determination of optimal penalties for antitrust violations in a dynamic setting European Journal of Operational Research, 189(1):269--291.