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Home | People | Remco Oostendorp

Remco Oostendorp

Research Fellow

Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Research field
Empirical Microeconomics
Development, Globalization, Labor, Policy Evaluation

List of publications

Zhou, F. and Oostendorp, R. (2024). Big distortions, small efficiency loss: Measuring resource misallocation with complementary distortions in Vietnam Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 219:244--261.

Kunst, D., Freeman, RichardB. and Oostendorp, R. (2022). Occupational Skill Premia around the World: New Data, Patterns and Drivers Labour Economics, 79:1--40.

Oostendorp, RemcoH. (2017). Comments by Remco H. Oostendorp, on internationalization of Indian enterprises: Patterns, determinants, and policy issues Asian Economic Papers, 16(1):168--171.

Trung, L.D. and Oostendorp, RemcoH. (2017). Regional Labor Market Integration, Shadow Wages and Poverty in Vietnam World Development, 89:34--56.

Guimbert, S. and Oostendorp, R. (2016). Risk Coping by Firms during the Crisis Economic Development and Cultural Change, 65(1-October):87--118.

Zhou, F. and Oostendorp, R. (2014). Measuring True Sales and Underreporting with Matched Firm-Level Survey and Tax-Office Data Review of Economics and Statistics, 96(3):563--576.

Oostendorp, R. and Doan Hong, Q. (2013). Have the Returns to Education Really Increased in Vietnam? Wage versus Employment Effect Journal of Comparative Economics, 41(3):923--938.

Oostendorp, R. and Zaal, F. (2012). Land acquisition and the adoption of soil and water conservation techniques: A duration analysis for Kenya and the Philippines World Development, 40(6):1240--1254.

Oostendorp, R., Quoc Trung, T. and Thanh Tung, N. (2009). The changing role of non-farm household enterprises in Vietnam World Development, 37(3):632--644.

Oostendorp, R. (2009). Globalization and the gender wage gap World Bank Economic Review, 23(1):141--161.

Bigsten, A., Collier, P., Dercon, S., Fafchamps, M., Gautier, B., Gunning, J., Oduro, A., Oostendorp, R., Pattillo, C., Söderbom, M., Teal, F. and Zeufack, A. (2004). Do African Manufacturing Firms Learn from Exporting? Journal of Development Studies, 40(3):115--141.

Adegbidi, A., Gandonou, E. and Oostendorp, R. (2004). Measuring the Productivity from Indiginous Soil and Water Conservation Technologies with Household Fixed Effects: A Case Study of Hilly Mountainous Areas Benin Economic Development and Cultural Change, 52(2):313--346.

Oostendorp, R. (2004). Globalization and the Gender Gap World Bank Economic Review, 23(1):141--161.

Hoogeveen, J. and Oostendorp, R. (2003). On the Use of Cost Benefit Analysis for the Evaluation of Farm Houshold Investments in Natural Resource Conservation Environment and Development Economics, 8:331--349.

Gunning, J., Bigsten, A., Collier, P., Dercon, S., Fafchamps, M., Gauthier, B., Oduro, A., Oostendorp, R., Pattillo, C., Söderbom, M., Teal, F. and Zeufack, A. (2003). Credit Constraints in Manufacturing Enterprises in Africa Journal of African Economies, 12:104--125.

Gunning, J., Bigsten, A., Collier, P., Dercon, S., Fafchamps, M., Gauthier, B., Oduro, A., Oostendorp, R., Pattillo, C., Söderbom, M., Teal, F. and Zeufack, A. (2003). Risk Sharing in Labour Markets World Bank Economic Review, 17(4):349--366.

Oostendorp, R., Naudé, W. and Serumaga-Zake, P. (2002). South African Manufacturing in an African Context: Findings from Nine Firm-level Survey's South African Journal of Economics, 70(8):12--47.

Freeman, R. and Oostendorp, R. (2002). The Occupational Wages around the World data file International Labour Review, 140(4):379--401.

Zaal, F. and Oostendorp, R. (2002). Explaining a Miracle: Intensification and the Transition Towards Sustainable Small-scale Agriculture in Dryland Machakos and Kitui Districts, Kenya World Development, 30(7):1271--1287.

Naudé, W.A., Oostendorp, R. and Serumaga-Zake, P.A.E. (2002). South African manufacturing in an African context: Findings from firm-level surveys South African Journal of Economics, 70(8):1247--1272.

Bigsten, A., Gunning, J., Oostendorp, R. and al, E. (2000). Contract Flexibility and Conflict Resolution: Evidence from African Manufacturing Journal of Development Studies, 36:1--37.

Fafchamps, M., Gunning, J. and Oostendorp, R. (2000). Inventories and Risk in African Manufacturing Economic Journal, 110:861--893.

Bigsten, A., Gunning, J., Oostendorp, R. and al, E. (2000). Rates of Return on Physical and Human Capital in Africa's Manufacturing Sector Economic Development and Cultural Change, 48:801--827.

Bigsten, A., Collier, P., Gunning, J. and Oostendorp, R. (1999). Investment in Africa's manufacturing sector: a four country panel data analysis Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, :.