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Menkveld, AlbertJ., Yueshen, B.Z. and Zhu, H. (2017). Shades of darkness: A pecking order of trading venues Journal of Financial Economics, 124(3):503--534.

  • Journal
    Journal of Financial Economics

We characterize the dynamic fragmentation of U.S. equity markets using a unique data set that disaggregates dark transactions by venue types. The “pecking order” hypothesis of trading venues states that investors “sort” various venue types, putting low-cost-low-immediacy venues on top and high-cost-high-immediacy venues at the bottom. Hence, midpoint dark pools on top, non-midpoint dark pools in the middle, and lit markets at the bottom. As predicted, following VIX shocks, macroeconomic news, and firms{\textquoteright} earnings surprises, changes in venue market shares become progressively more positive (or less negative) down the pecking order. We further document heterogeneity across dark venue types and stock size groups.