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Amsterdam-Rotterdam Consortium for Graduate Education (ARC)

The Tinbergen Institute research master program is governed by the Amsterdam-Rotterdam Consortium for Graduate Education (ARC). ARC is the umbrella organization for all graduate (PhD) education of the Schools of Economics and Econometrics of Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR), University of Amsterdam (UvA) and Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU). 

Members of the Supervisory Board of ARC

Professor R.M.W.J. Beetsma, Dean Amsterdam School of Economics and Business, University of Amsterdam
Professor P.J.F. Groenen, Dean Erasmus School of Economics, Erasmus University
Professor A. van Witteloostuijn, Dean School of Business and Economics, VU Amsterdam

Members of the Advisory Board of ARC

Professor J.W. Gunning (Emeritus Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam), Chair
Professor M. Timmer (VICI Laureate, University of Groningen and CPB Netherlands)
Professor J. Haskel (Imperial College and Bank of England Monetary Policy Committee)
Professor G. Imbens (Stanford University)
Professor Anja Lambrecht (London Business School)

ARC Board 

The ARC Board supervises the day-to-day business and has one member: Professor B. van der Klaauw. 

Tinbergen Institute Research Council

The Research Council is comprised of the leaders in the research fields within the TI Research Institute. 

Tinbergen Institute Admission Board

The Admission Board is in charge of student admissions and the allocation of scholarships of Tinbergen Institute. The Admission Board of Tinbergen Institute is comprised of fellows of the three Schools of Economics of the Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR), University of Amsterdam (UvA) and Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU). 

Members of the Admission Board are:
Martijn van den Assem 
Richard Paap
Randolph Sloof
Contact the Admission Board 

ARC Educational Board

The Educational Board serves the Tinbergen Institute and the Business Data Science research master programs and consists of six members. Three members are from the teaching staff and three members are students in the research master programs (for distributional reasons students delegate four members; three of them have the right to vote). The Educational Board issues advice, both solicited and unsolicited, to the Directors of Graduate Studies on all matters concerning the educational program, with the objective of maintaining or improving the quality of the program.

Members of the Educational Board are:
Joey van Angeren
Thomas Buser (Chair)
Sebastian Gryglewicz
Thao Le
Ali Moin
Paul Doekhie
Tijmen Henkes

ARC Examination Board

The Examination Board serves both the Tinbergen Institute and the Business Data Science research master programs. The main duty of the Examination Board is to supervise all aspects of the quality assurance of the examinations and to determine whether a student fulfils the conditions for obtaining the degree, as defined in the Academic and Examination Regulations. The Examination Board decides on any student requests for exemptions and deviations from the program. 

Members of the Examination Board are:
Chen Zhou (Chair)
Peter Lanjouw
Christian Stoltenberg
Elian Bogers (external member)
Contact the Examination Board

Student Council Officers

The student council is a joint council together with the Business Data Research reseseach master students. The Student Council is an independent student body that both informs and advises students, and organizes regular social events. For more information and agenda, look here

Student Council officers for the current year can be found here.