Home | Courses | Experimental Economics

Experimental Economics

  • Teacher(s)
    Robert Dur, Jeroen van de Ven
  • Research field
    Behavioral Economics
  • Dates
    Period 5 - May 06, 2024 to Jul 05, 2024
  • Course type
  • Program year
  • Credits

Course description

Experimental Economics studies economic behavior in a controlled, laboratory or field environment. This course teaches the student how to design an experiment aimed at answering a self-developed research question. In addition, it gives an overview of recent trends in Experimental Economics. The course will focus on a set of recent experimental papers and on experimental designs developed by the students. Each student is expected to actively participate in class by discussing selected papers and to develop and present his or her own experimental design.

Each student is expected to actively participate in classes and to develop an experimental design of his or her own. The grade is determined by a presentation of the design (30%) and by a written proposal of the design (70%).

Course literature

Primary reading
Required reading materials are posted on Canvas.