Xianhua Hu (2015). Sequential auctions, price trends, and risk preferences Journal of Economic Theory.
481 key alumni publications
Koopman, S., Lucas, A. and Scharth, M. (2015). Numerically Accelerated Importance Sampling for Nonlinear Non-Gaussian State Space Models Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, 33(1):114--127.
Frank Windmeijer (2015). Peer effects in charitable giving: Evidence from the (Running) field Economic Journal.
Aït-Sahalia, Y., Cacho-Diaz, J. and Laeven, R. (2015). Modeling financial contagion using mutually exciting jump processes Journal of Financial Economics, 117(3):585--606.
Swank, O. and Visser, B. (2015). Learning from others? Decision rights,strategic communication, and reputational concerns American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, 7(4):109--149.
Gautier, P. and Teulings, C. (2015). Sorting and the output loss due to search frictions Journal of the European Economic Association, 13(6):1136--1166.
Delfgaauw, J., Dur, R., Non, J. and Verbeke, W. (2015). The Effects of Prize Spread and Noise in Elimination Tournaments: A Natural Field Experiment Journal of Labor Economics, 33(3):521--569.
Menkveld, A. and Hendershott, T. (2014). Price Pressures Journal of Financial Economics, 114(3):405--423.
Ductor, L., Fafchamps, M., Goyal, S. and van der Leij, M.J. (2014). Social networks and research output Review of Economics and Statistics, 96(5):936--948.
Jungbacker, B., Koopman, S. and van der Wel, M. (2014). Smooth Dynamic Factor Analysis with Application to the U.S. Term Structure of Interest Rates Journal of Applied Econometrics, 29(1):65--90.
Kleibergen, F. and Mavroeidis, S. (2014). Identification issues in limited-information Bayesian analysis of structural macroeconomic models Journal of Applied Econometrics, 29(7):1183--1207.
Govert Bijwaard (2014). The impact of labor market dynamics on the return migration of immigrants Review of Economics and Statistics.
Creal, D., Schwaab, B., Koopman, S. and Lucas, A. (2014). Observation Driven Mixed-Measurement Dynamic Factor Models with an Application to Credit Risk Review of Economics and Statistics, 96(5):898--915.
Aït-Sahalia, Y., Laeven, R. and Pelizzon, L. (2014). Mutual excitation in Eurozone sovereign CDS Journal of Econometrics, 183(2):151--167.
Mesters, G. and Koopman, S. (2014). Generalized Dynamic Panel Data Models with Random Effects for Cross-Section and Time Journal of Econometrics, 180(2):127--140.
Lucas, A., Schwaab, B. and Zhang, X. (2014). Conditional euro area sovereign default risk Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, 32(2):271--284.
Dijk, D.van, Koopman, S., van der Wel, M. and Wright, J. (2014). Forecasting Interest Rates with Shifting Endpoints Journal of Applied Econometrics, 29(5):693--712.
Gijs van de Kuilen (2014). Higher order risk attitudes, demographics, and financial decisions Review of Economic Studies.
de Haan, M., Plug, E. and Rosero, J. (2014). Birth order and human capital development: evidence from Ecuador Journal of Human Resources, 49(2):359--392.
Jacobs, B. and Boadway, R. (2014). Optimal linear commodity taxation under optimal non-linear income taxation Journal of Public Economics, 117(1):201--210.