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481 key alumni publications

  • Barra, I., Hoogerheide, L., Koopman, S. and Lucas, A. (2017). Joint Bayesian Analysis of Parameters and States in Nonlinear, Non-Gaussian State Space Models Journal of Applied Econometrics, 32(5):1003--1026.
  • Tim Willems (2017). The benefits of forced experimentation: Striking evidence from the London underground network Quarterly Journal of Economics.

  • Weber, M. and Schram, A. (2017). The Non-Equivalence of Labour Market Taxes: A Real-Effort Experiment Economic Journal, 127(604):2187--2215.
  • de Haan, T., Offerman, T. and Sloof, R. (2017). Discrimination in the labour market: the curse of competition between workers Economic Journal, 127(603):1433–1466.
  • Bao, T., Hommes, C. and Makarewicz, T. (2017). Bubble formation and (in)efficient markets in learning-to-forecast and optimise experiments Economic Journal, 127(605):F581--F609.
  • Bisschop, P., Kastoryano, S. and van der Klaauw, B. (2017). Street prostitution zones and crime American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, 9(4):28--63.
  • Gautier, PieterA. and Holzner, ChristianL. (2017). Simultaneous search and efficiency of entry and search intensity American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, 9(3):245--282.
  • Bernasco, W., de Graaff, T., Rouwendal, J. and Steenbeek, W. (2017). Social Interactions and Crime Revisited: An Investigation Using Individual Offender Data in Dutch Neighborhoods Review of Economics and Statistics, 99(4):622--636.
  • García, J. and van Veelen, M. (2016). In and out of equilibrium I: Evolution of strategies in repeated games with discounting Journal of Economic Theory, 161:161--189.
  • Francesco Ravazzolo (2016). Optimal Portfolio Choice Under Decision-Based Model Combinations Journal of Applied Econometrics.

  • Blasques Albergaria Amaral, F., Koopman, S., Mallee, M. and Zhang, Z. (2016). Weighted Maximum Likelihood for Dynamic Factor Analysis and Forecasting with Mixed Frequency Data Journal of Econometrics, 193(2):405--417.
  • Baltussen, G., van den Assem, M.J. and van Dolder, D. (2016). Risky Choice in the Limelight Review of Economics and Statistics, 98(2):318--332.
  • Christensen, B., Posch, O. and van der Wel, M. (2016). Estimating Dynamic Equilibrium Models using Macro and Financial Data Journal of Econometrics, 194(1):116--137.
  • Bartelsman, E., Gautier, P. and de Wind, J. (2016). Employment protection, technology choice, and worker allocation International Economic Review, 57(3):787--826.
  • Koopman, S., Lucas, A. and Scharth, M. (2016). Predicting time-varying parameters with parameter-driven and observation-driven models Review of Economics and Statistics, 98(1):97--110.
  • Ketel, N., Leuven, E., Oosterbeek, H. and van der Klaauw, B. (2016). The Returns to Medical School: Evidence from Admission Lotteries American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 8(2):225--254.
  • Gerritsen, A. (2016). Optimal taxation when people do not maximize well-being Journal of Public Economics, 144:122--139.
  • Kamphorst, J. and Swank, O. (2016). Don't Demotivate, Discriminate American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, 8(1):140--165.
  • van Dijk, D., Lumsdaine, R. and van der Wel, M. (2016). Market set-up in advance of Federal Reserve policy rate decisions Economic Journal, 126(592):618--653.
  • Zoutman, F. and Jacobs, B. (2016). Optimal redistribution and monitoring of labor supply Journal of Public Economics, 135:15--31.