Gerritsen, S., Plug, E. and Webbink, D. (2016). Teacher quality and student achievement: Evidence from a sample of Dutch twins Journal of Applied Econometrics, 32(3):643--660.
166 Key Publications
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Brinkman, S.A., Hasan, A., Jung, H., Kinnell, A. and Pradhan, M. (2017). The impact of expanding access to early childhood education services in rural Indonesia Journal of Labor Economics, 35(S1):S305--S335.
Booij, A., Leuven, E. and Oosterbeek, H. (2017). Ability Peer Effects in University: Evidence from a Randomized Experiment Review of Economic Studies, 84(2):547--578.
Boring, A. (2017). Gender biases in student evaluations of teaching Journal of Public Economics, 145:27--41.
Marie, O. and Chevalier, A. (2017). Economic Uncertainty, Parental Selection, and Children’s Educational Outcome. The Journal of Political Economy, 152(2):393--430.
Marie, O. and Zoelitz, U. (2017). High Achievers? Cannabis Access and Student Performance Review of Economic Studies, :.
Marie, O. and Zölitz, U. (2017). 'High' achievers? Cannabis access and academic performance Review of Economic Studies, 84(3):1210--1237.
Lundborg, P., Plug, E. and Rasmussen, A. (2017). Can women have children and a career? IV evidence from IVF treatments American Economic Review, 107(6):1611--1637.
Ketel, N., Linde, J., Oosterbeek, H. and van der Klaauw, B. (2016). Tuition fees and sunk-cost effects Economic Journal, 126(598):2342--2362.
Akcomak, S., Webbink, D. and ter Weel, B. (2016). Why Did the Netherlands Develop So Early? The Legacy of the Brethren of the Common Life Economic Journal, 126(593):821--860.
Ketel, N., Leuven, E., Oosterbeek, H. and van der Klaauw, B. (2016). The Returns to Medical School: Evidence from Admission Lotteries American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 8(2):225--254.
Gielen, A., Myers, C. and Holmes, J. (2016). Prenatal testosterone and the Earnings of Men and Women Journal of Human Resources, 51(1):30--61.
van Ours, J.C. and Vollaard, B.A. (2016). The engine immobiliser Economic Journal, 126(593):1264--1291.
Fredriksson, P., Öckert, B. and Oosterbeek, H. (2016). Parental responses to public investments in children: Evidence from a maximum class size rule Journal of Human Resources, 51(4):832--868.
Limwattananon, S., Neelsen, S., O'Donnell, O., Prakongsai, P., Tangcharoensathien, V., van Doorslaer, E. and Vongmongkol, V. (2014). Universal coverage with supply-side reform: The impact on medical expenditure risk and utilization in Thailand Journal of Public Economics, 121(January):79--94.
Koning, P. and Lindeboom, M. (2015). The Rise and Fall of Disability Enrollment in the Netherlands Journal of Economic Perspectives, 29(2):151--172.
Buser, T., Niederle, M. and Oosterbeek, H. (2014). Gender, competitiveness and career choices Quarterly Journal of Economics, 129(3):1409--1447.
Pradhan, M., Suryadama, D., Beatty, A., Wong, M., Gaduh, A., Alishjabana, A. and Artha, R. (2014). Improving educational quality through enhancing community participation: results from a randomized field experiment in Indonesia American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 6(2):105--126.
Zhou, F. and Oostendorp, R. (2014). Measuring True Sales and Underreporting with Matched Firm-Level Survey and Tax-Office Data Review of Economics and Statistics, 96(3):563--576.