Oosterbeek, H., Sóvágó, S. and van der Klaauw, B. (2021). Preference heterogeneity and school segregation Journal of Public Economics, 197:1--26.
7 Key Publications
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Li, M. and Koopman, S. (2021). Unobserved components with stochastic volatility: Simulation-based estimation and signal extraction Journal of Applied Econometrics, 36(5):614--627.
Zou, Z., van den Brink, R. and Funaki, Y. (2021). Compromising between the proportional and equal division values Journal of Mathematical Economics, 97:.
Kleibergen, F. (2021). Efficient size correct subset inference in homoskedastic linear instrumental variables regression Journal of Econometrics, 221(1):78--96.
Boswijk, H., Cavaliere, G., Georgiev, I. and Rahbek, A. (2021). Bootstrapping non-stationary stochastic volatility Journal of Econometrics, 224(1):161--180.
van den Brink, R., Núñez, M. and Robles, F. (2021). Valuation monotonicity, fairness and stability in assignment problems Journal of Economic Theory, 195:1--27.
Blasques, F., Gorgi, P. and Koopman, S.J. (2021). Missing observations in observation-driven time series models Journal of Econometrics, 221(2):542--568.