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429 Master theses

  • 408 - Minerals on the Move: The Role of Mineral Trade versus Mineral Extraction in Armed Conflict in Eastern Congo

    Author: Else-Marie van den Herik

    Supervisor: Steven Poelhekke

    Defense date: October 24, 2023

  • 407 - Weathering the Gender Gap: Monsoon Onset Delays and Educational Outcomes in Indonesia’s Ethnic Landscape

    Author: Sarah Leuthold

    Supervisors: Menno Pradhan, Karlijn Morsink

    Defense date: October 02, 2023

  • 406 - Spillover Effects on Adult Workers from a Dutch Youth Minimum Wage Increase

    Author: Roel Gort

    Supervisors: Olivier Marie, Ana Figueiredo

    Defense date: September 26, 2023

  • 405 - Perceived Value-for-Money: An Experiment on Advice-Giving

    Author: Julian Tait

    Supervisors: Randolph Sloof, Jeroen van de Ven

    Defense date: August 30, 2023

  • 404 - The Effect of Inflation Expectations on Consumption Decisions

    Author: Anna Mogilevskaja

    Supervisor: Stefanie Jeanette Huber

    Defense date: August 28, 2023

  • 403 - A Quantitative Model for Evaluating Changes in the Duration of Secondary School with an Application to the G8 Reform in Germany

    Author: Lara Klein

    Supervisors: Björn Brügemann, Pieter Gautier

    Defense date: August 23, 2023

  • 402 - AI-Powered Promises: The Influence of ChatGTP on Trust and Trustworthiness

    Author: Ivo Greevink

    Supervisors: Theo Offerman, Giorgia Romagnoli

    Defense date: August 23, 2023

  • 401 - The Declining Labour Share: Markups and Reallocation in the Input-Output Network

    Author: Elliott Weder

    Supervisors: Eric Bartelsman, Agnieszka Markiewicz

    Defense date: August 23, 2023

  • 400 - A Dutch Agent Based Model calibrated with Microdata

    Author: Steven Hoekstra

    Supervisors: Cars Hommes, Frank Pijpers

    Defense date: August 23, 2023

  • 399 - Heterogeneous-Agent Asset Pricing with the Master Equation: Idiosyncratic Risk in a Production Economy with Habit Formation

    Author: Niklas Bonnmann

    Supervisors: Elisabeth Pröhl, Remco Zwinkels, Martijn de Vries

    Defense date: August 23, 2023

  • 398 - Ordinal World and Cardinal Questions: Possibility, Impossibility and John Harsanyi

    Author: Dorottya Kulcsar

    Supervisor: Roland Luttens

    Defense date: August 23, 2023

  • 397 - Compositional Shift and the Returns to Higher Education in the Netherlands

    Author: Elena Castellaro

    Supervisors: Monique de Haan, Bas van der Klaauw

    Defense date: August 22, 2023

  • 396 - From Flocks to Fortunes: Experience, Belief Updating, and Insurance Adoption

    Author: Vinh Phan

    Supervisor: Karlijn Morsink

    Defense date: August 22, 2023

  • 395 - Establishing error bounds for implicit and explicit score-driven filters

    Author: Simon Donker van Heel

    Supervisors: Dick van Dijk, Rutger-Jan Lange

    Defense date: August 22, 2023

  • 394 - Mortality Effects of Temperature: Evidence from the Netherlands

    Author: Maartje van Wijhe

    Supervisors: Pilar Garcia-Gomez, Tom van Ourti

    Defense date: August 22, 2023

  • 393 - Gender Difference in CEO Optimism and Firm Outcomes

    Author: Fantine Tingfang Xiao

    Supervisors: Anne Boring, Chen Li

    Defense date: August 22, 2023

  • 392 - Misspecification and Weak Identification in Forward-Looking Macroeconomic Models

    Author: Haobai Guo

    Supervisor: Frank Kleibergen

    Defense date: August 22, 2023

  • 391 - Portfolio Rebalancing across the Investment Universe

    Author: Jiacheng Li

    Supervisors: Michel van der Wel, Anastasija Tetereva

    Defense date: August 22, 2023

  • 390 - A Guided Neural Network Approach to Volatility Forecasting

    Author: Ming Cheng

    Supervisors: Peter Boswijk, Yi He

    Defense date: August 22, 2023

  • 389 - Nominal corporate debt, default and inflation

    Author: Sijmen Rijks

    Supervisor: Xuan Wang

    Defense date: August 21, 2023