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429 Master theses

  • 9 - Investment, Risk and Weather Insurance in Rural India: An Estimation of a Structural Model

    Author: Lei Pan

    Supervisors: Chris Elbers, Jan Willem Gunning

    Defense date: October 11, 2005

  • 8 - A Conditional Mean - Lower Partial Moment CAPM with Evidence from the Cross Section of Expected Equity Returns

    Author: Valeriu Trufas

    Supervisor: Thierry Post

    Defense date: September 29, 2005

  • 7 - Education and Social Capital, A Meta-Analysis

    Author: Jian Huang

    Supervisor: Henriette Maassen van den Brink

    Defense date: September 14, 2005

  • 6 - A Monte Carlo Simulation Study on Covariance Models

    Author: Amy Wong

    Supervisor: Ton Vorst

    Defense date: September 05, 2005

  • 5 - Real Options Valuations of Strategic Investments. Competition between Open and Closed Platforms.

    Author: Razvan Eduard Vlahu

    Supervisor: Enrico Perotti

    Defense date: January 25, 2006

  • 4 - Loss aversion and the value premium puzzle

    Author: Guido Baltussen

    Supervisor: Thierry Post

    Defense date: August 31, 2005

  • 3 - Birth Order, Family Size and Educational Attainment

    Author: Monique de Haan

    Supervisor: Erik Plug

    Defense date: August 29, 2005

  • 2 - A meta analysis of uncompensated labour supply elasticities

    Author: Michiel Evers

    Supervisor: Ruud de Mooij

    Defense date: August 26, 2005

  • 1 - Livestock Holdings, Intra-household Resource Allocation and Gender Differentials in Human Health

    Author: Linda Midgley

    Supervisor: Gerard van den Berg

    Defense date: August 01, 2005