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866 PhD Theses

  • 165 - Estimating Failure Probability when Failure is Rare: Multidimensional Case

    Author: Ashoke Sinha

    Supervisor: L.F.M. de Haan

    Defense date: October 02, 1997

  • 164 - De Invloed van Marktgerichtheid op de Bedrijfsprestatie van Industriële Ondernemingen - Een Onderzoek in de Nederlandse Metalektro

    Author: Fred Langerak

    Supervisors: H.R. Commandeur, P.A. Moerman

    Defense date: October 24, 1997

  • 163 - Development and Acquisition of Technology in Rural Collective Industries - The Case of China's Hinterland

    Author: Hannah Piek

    Supervisor: J.G. Waardenburg

    Defense date: November 20, 1997

  • 162 - Management Support in Information System Project Planning - An Integrated Model of Stakeholder Participation

    Author: Yuan Gao

    Supervisor: H.J. Oppelland

    Defense date: October 16, 1997

  • 161 - Informality, Bureaucratic Control and Monetary Policy: The Case of Japan

    Author: Adrian van Rixtel

    Supervisor: H. Visser

    Defense date: November 10, 1997

    University: Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

  • 160 - The flow approach to the labor market

    Author: Pieter Gautier

    Supervisor: Frank den Butter

    Defense date: September 15, 1997

    University: Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

  • 159 - Managerial behavior and effectiveness; determinants, measurement issues and gender differences

    Author: Claartje Vinkenburg

    Supervisors: P.G.W. Jansen, P.L. Koopman

    Defense date: September 02, 1997

    University: Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

  • 158 - Is More Control Better? The Effects of Organizational Control on Salespersons’ Job Performance, Job Attitudes and Sales Organization Effectiveness

    Author: Stefan Borghgraef

    Supervisor: J. Verhulp

    Defense date: September 25, 1997

  • 157 - Models and Techniques for Integrating Vehicle and Crew Scheduling

    Author: Richard Freling

    Supervisors: C.G.E. Boender, J.M.P. Paixão

    Defense date: September 25, 1997

    University: Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

  • 156 - Primal-Dual Interior Point Approach to Semidefinite Programming

    Author: Jos Sturm

    Supervisor: Rommert Dekker

    Defense date: September 11, 1997

    University: Erasmus University Rotterdam

  • 155 - On the pricing of interest-rate options

    Author: Juan Moraleda

    Supervisor: Ton Vorst

    Defense date: June 26, 1997

    University: Erasmus University Rotterdam

  • 154 - Transition Processes from Constrained to Walrasian Equilibrium

    Author: Richard Venniker

    Supervisors: Gerard van der Laan, A.H.Q.M. Merkies

    Defense date: June 18, 1997

    University: Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

  • 153 - Rural Industry Clusters in Central Java, Indonesia - An Empirical Assessment of their Rol in Rural Industrialization

    Author: Martin Klapwijk

    Supervisors: H. Linnemann, H.J.W. Weijland

    Defense date: May 20, 1997

  • 151 - Success of Management Support Systems: A Literature Review and an Empirical Investigation

    Author: Maarten Gelderman

    Supervisor: C. van Halem

    Defense date: June 23, 1997

  • 150 - Empirical essays on growth, uncertainty and prediction

    Author: Rene den Hertog

    Supervisors: Eduard Bomhoff, Teun Kloek

    Defense date: June 12, 1997

    University: Erasmus University Rotterdam

  • 149 - Strategic trade policy, multinational firms, and vertically related industries

    Author: Clive Jie-a-Joen

    Supervisor: L.I.E. Sleuwaegen

    Defense date: June 12, 1997

    University: Erasmus University Rotterdam

  • 147 - Variable trends: a Bayesian perspective

    Author: Henk Hoek

    Supervisor: Herman van Dijk

    Defense date: June 13, 1997

    University: Erasmus University Rotterdam

  • 146 - Central Bank Independence and Credibility – Essays on Delegation Arrangements for Monetary Policy

    Author: Francesco Lippi

    Supervisors: A.S. Brandsma, J.C. Siebrand

    Defense date: May 22, 1997