Home | News | Albert Jan Hummel receives Veni grant for research on labor-market policies
News | July 19, 2024

Albert Jan Hummel receives Veni grant for research on labor-market policies

Economist and candidate fellow Albert Jan Hummel from Amsterdam School of Economics, University of Amsterdam receives a Veni research grant from the Dutch Research Council (NWO) for project 'Designing labor-market policies when firms are heterogeneous'. With this project Hummel aims to shed light on how redistributive policies affect labor-market outcomes if differences between firms are taken into account and the consequences for the optimal design of these policies.

Albert Jan Hummel receives Veni grant for research on labor-market policies

In many Western countries, over the past decades income inequality has increased while the share of national income that goes to labor has decreased. To understand these trends, differences between firms, for instance in their productivity or how much market power they can exert, play a crucial role. However, little is known about the effects of labor-market policies on things like wages and employment if differences between firms are taken into account. This project aims to shed light on these effects, and the consequences for labor-market policies aimed at reducing income inequality.

About the Veni Grant

The NWO Veni grant, of up to 320.000 euro, is awarded to excellent researchers who have recently obtained their PhD, to conduct independent research and develop their ideas for a period of three years. Laureates are at the start of their scientific career and display a striking talent for scientific research.

Four fellows of Tinbergen Institute have received a Veni grant during this round: Thomas Douenne (University of Amsterdam) on the interaction of inequality and climate policy, Marina Friedrich (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam) on climate research, Albert Jan Hummel (University of Amsterdam) on labor-market policies, and Matthijs Korevaar (Erasmus University Rotterdam) on rental housing policies. All laureates of the 2023 round have been published here.