Home | News | Matthijs Korevaar receives Veni grant for research on rental housing policies
News | July 19, 2024

Matthijs Korevaar receives Veni grant for research on rental housing policies

Research fellow Matthijs Korevaar from the Erasmus School of Economics, Erasmus University Rotterdam receives a Veni research grant from the Dutch Research Council (NWO) for project 'The effects of rental housing policy on the housing conditions and finances of households'. By combining cutting-edge policy evaluation methods with large linked datasets, Korevaar wants to identify causal effects of various housing policies on a wide range of outcomes.

Matthijs Korevaar receives Veni grant for research on rental housing policies

Housing affordability is under strain in many areas. Policymakers are asked to combat this with appropriate policy measures, but there is often a lack of evidence or data on the effects of such policies. This project studies the impact of rental housing policies focusing on the consequences for households. By combining cutting-edge policy evaluation methods with large linked datasets, I can identify causal effects of various housing policies on a wide range of outcomes. The findings of this project contribute to deeper academic understanding of housing issues but also to better housing policy by collaborating directly with policymakers.

About the Veni Grant

The NWO Veni grant, of up to 320.000 euro, is awarded to excellent researchers who have recently obtained their PhD, to conduct independent research and develop their ideas for a period of three years. Laureates are at the start of their scientific career and display a striking talent for scientific research.

Four fellows of Tinbergen Institute have received a Veni grant during this round: Thomas Douenne (University of Amsterdam) on the interaction of inequality and climate policy, Marina Friedrich (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam) on climate research, Albert Jan Hummel (University of Amsterdam) on labor-market policies, and Matthijs Korevaar (Erasmus University Rotterdam) on rental housing policies. All laureates of the 2023 round have been published here.