Erik Verhoef and his team received funding for a multidisciplinary ZonMW research project on mobility
The Department of Spatial Economics of Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam – with Erik Verhoef as project leader - has received funding within the NWO ZonMW COVID-19 bottom-up research programme for their project ‘Mobility during and after corona lockdown: sustainability, safety, inclusiveness (abbreviated as MOCOLODO).

The project is a multidisciplinary collaboration between five universities (in addition to Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, these are the universities of Delft, Groningen, Utrecht, Twente) and a number of city and regional authorities. The project will address urgent (policy) questions about mobility in corona times, in particular:
- What can we learn about mobility behaviour and its determinants during lockdown and relaxation?
- Based on this knowledge, how can we advise governments on flexible and effective management of mobility during lockdown and relaxation?
- How can this be brought into line with long-term sustainability goals in (urban) mobility?
MOCOLODO will hos 5 post-doc researchers and runs from September 15, 2020 to September 15, 2022.
*ZonMw in an independent self-governing organisation, working closely together with the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO). ZonMw is responsible for health care research, and the NWO for other scientific research areas.