Menno Pradhan
Key publications
List of publications
Wiegand, M., Koomen, E., Pradhan, M. and Edmonds, C. (2023). The Impact of Road Development on Household Welfare in Rural Papua New Guinea Journal of Development Studies, 59(6):933--953.
Opoku Duku, S.K., Nketiah-Amponsah, E., Fenenga, ChristineJ., Janssens, W. and Pradhan, M. (2022). The effect of community engagement on healthcare utilization and health insurance enrollment in Ghana: Results from a randomized experiment Health Economics, 31(10):2120--2141.
Janssens, W., Pradhan, M., de Groot, R., Sidze, E., Donfouet, H.P.P. and Abajobir, A. (2021). The short-term economic effects of COVID-19 on low-income households in rural Kenya: An analysis using weekly financial household data World Development, 138:1--8.
Nakajima, N., Hasan, A., Jung, H., Kinnell, A., Maika, A. and Pradhan, M. (2021). Built to Last: Sustainability of Early Childhood Education Services in Rural Indonesia Journal of Development Studies, 57(10):1593--1612.
De Ree, J., Muralidharan, K., Pradhan, M. and Rogers, H. (2018). Double for nothing? Experimental evidence on an unconditional teacher salary increase in Indonesia Quarterly Journal of Economics, 133(2):993--1039.
Berry, J., Karlan, D. and Pradhan, M. (2018). The Impact of Financial Education for Youth in Ghana World Development, 102:71--89.
Brinkman, S.A., Hasan, A., Jung, H., Kinnell, A. and Pradhan, M. (2017). The impact of expanding access to early childhood education services in rural Indonesia Journal of Labor Economics, 35(S1):S305--S335.
Pradhan, M., Suryadama, D., Beatty, A., Wong, M., Gaduh, A., Alishjabana, A. and Artha, R. (2014). Improving educational quality through enhancing community participation: results from a randomized field experiment in Indonesia American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 6(2):105--126.
Pradhan, M., de Ree, J. and Alessie, R. (2013). The price and utility dependence of equivalence scales: evidence from Indonesia Journal of Public Economics, 97:272--281.
Kruse, I., Pradhan, M. and Sparrow, R. (2012). Marginal benefit incidence of public health spending: Evidence from Indonesian sub-national data Journal of Health Economics, 31(1):147--157.
Barron, P., Kaiser, M. and Pradhan, M. (2009). Understanding variations in local conflict: Evidence and implications from Indonesia World Development, 37(3):698--713.
Pradhan, M. (2009). Welfare analysis with a proxy consumption measure: Evidence from a repeated experiment in Indonesia Fiscal Studies, 30(3/4):391--417.
Pradhan, M., Saadah, F. and Sparrow, R. (2007). Did the health card program ensure access to medical care for the poor during Indonesia's economic crisis World Bank Economic Review, 21(1):125--150.
Pradhan, M. and Ravallion, M. (2003). Who wants safer streets? Explaining concern for public safety in Brazil Journal of Economic Psychology, 24(1):17--33.
Pradhan, M., Sahn, D. and Younger, S. (2002). Decomposing world health inquality Journal of Health Economics, 22(2):271--294.
Pradhan, M. and Prescott, N. (2002). Social risk management options for medical care in Indonesia Health Economics, 11:431--446.
Pradhan, M. and Rawlings, L. (2002). The Impact and Targeting of Social Infrastructure Investments: Lessons for the Nicaraguan Social Fund World Bank Economic Review, 16:275--295.
Newman, J., Pradhan, M., Rawlings, L., Ridder, G., Coa, R. and Evia, J. (2002). An Impact Evaluation of Education, Health, and Water Supply Investments by the Bolivian Social Investment Fund World Bank Economic Review, 16:241--274.
Pradhan, M., Suryahadi, A., Sumarto, S. and Pritchett, L. (2001). Eating like which 'Joneses?' An Iterative Solution to the Choice of a Poverty Line 'Reference Group' The Review of Income and Wealth, 47(4):473--487.
van den Berg, G., van Ours, J.C. and Pradhan, M.P. (2001). The declining price anomaly in Dutch rose auctions American Economic Review, 91(4):1055--1062.
van den Berg, G.J., van Ours, J.C. and Pradhan, M. (2001). Declining prices in the sequential Dutch flower auction of roses American Economic Review, 91:1055--1062.
Pradhan, M. and Ravallion, M. (2000). Measuring Poverty using Qualitative Perceptions of Consumption Adequacy Review of Economics and Statistics, 82(3):462--471.
Pradhan, M. (1998). Enrolment and delayed enrolment of second school age children in Indonesia Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 60(4):413--430.
Pradhan, M., Ridder, G. and Rawlings, L. (1998). The Bolivian Social Investment Fund: An Analysis of Baseline Data for Impact Evaluation World Bank Economic Review, 12(3):457--483.
Pradhan, M. and van Soest, A. (1997). Household labor supply in urban areas of Bolivia Review of Economics and Statistics, 79(2):300--310.
Pradhan, M. and van Soest, A.H.O. (1995). Formal and Informal Sector Employment in Urban Areas of Bolivia Labour Economics, 2:275--297.
Pradhan, M., Newman, J. and Jorgensen, S. (1991). How did workers benefit from Bolivia's Emergency Social Fund? World Bank Economic Review, 5(2):367--393.