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Joep Sonnemans

Research Fellow

University of Amsterdam
Research field
Behavioral Economics
Law and Economics, Search

Key publications

List of publications

de Jong, J., Sonnemans, J. and Tuinstra, J. (2022). The effect of futures markets on the stability of commodity prices Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 198:176--211.

Hommes, C., Kopányi-Peuker, A. and Sonnemans, J. (2021). Bubbles, crashes and information contagion in large-group asset market experiments Experimental Economics, 24(2):414–433.

Brütt, K., Schram, A. and Sonnemans, J. (2020). Endogenous group formation and responsibility diffusion: An experimental study Games and Economic Behavior, 121:1--31.

Arango-Aramburo, S., Acevedo, Y. and Sonnemans, J. (2019). The Influence of the Strength of Financial Institutions and the Investment-Production Delay on Commodity Price Cycles: A Framed Field Experiment with Coffee Farmers in Colombia De Economist, 167(4):347--358.

Sonnemans, J., van Dijk, F., Donders, B. and Bauw, E. (2018). An economic approach on countering the misuse of the right to challenge judges: an experiment European Journal of Law and Economics, 45(1):29--57.

van Veldhuizen, R. and Sonnemans, J. (2018). Nonrenewable Resources, Strategic Behavior and the Hotelling Rule: An Experiment Journal of Industrial Economics, 66(2):481--516.

Brebner, S. and Sonnemans, J. (2018). Does the elicitation method impact the WTA/WTP disparity? Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, 73:40--45.

Drouvelis, M. and Sonnemans, J. (2017). The Endowment Effect in Games European Economic Review, 94:240--262.

Robalo, P., Schram, A. and Sonnemans, J. (2017). Other-regarding Preferences, In-Group Bias and Political Participation: An Experiment Journal of Economic Psychology, 62:130--154.

Gomez-Martinez, F., Onderstal, S. and Sonnemans, J. (2016). Firm-specific information and explicit collusion in experimental oligopolies European Economic Review, 82:132--141.

Linde, J. and Sonnemans, J. (2015). Decisions under risk in a social and individual context: the limits of social preferences? Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, 56:62--71.

van Dijk, F., Sonnemans, J. and Bauw, E. (2014). Judicial error by groups and individuals Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 108:224--235.

Linde, J., Sonnemans, J. and Tuinstra, J. (2014). Strategies and evolution in the minority game: a multi-round strategy experiment Games and Economic Behavior, 86:77--95.

Maximiano, S., Sloof, R. and Sonnemans, J. (2013). Gift exchange and the separation of ownership and control Games and Economic Behavior, 77(1):41--60.

Sonnemans, J. and van Dijk, F. (2012). Errors in judicial decisions: experimental results Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization, 28(4):687--716.

Heemeijer, P., Hommes, C., Sonnemans, J. and Tuinstra, J. (2012). An experimental study on expectations and learning in overlapping generations models Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics and Econometrics, 16(4):.

Bao, T., Hommes, C., Sonnemans, J. and Tuinstra, J. (2012). Individual expectations, limited rationality and aggregate outcomes Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 36(8):1101--1120.

Linde, J. and Sonnemans, J. (2012). Social comparison and risky choices Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, 44(1):45--72.

Gillet, J., Schram, A. and Sonnemans, J. (2011). Cartel formation and pricing: The effect of managerial decision-making rules International Journal of Industrial Organization, 29(1):126--133.

Sloof, R. and Sonnemans, J. (2011). The interaction between explicit and relational incentives: an experiment Games and Economic Behavior, 73(2):573--594.

Oosterbeek, H., Sloof, R. and Sonnemans, J. (2011). Rent-seeking versus productive activities in a multi-task experiment European Economic Review, 55(5):630--643.

Schram, A. and Sonnemans, J. (2011). How individuals choose health insurance: an experimental analysis European Economic Review, 55(6):799--819.

Sonnemans, J. and Tuinstra, J. (2010). Positive expectations feedback experiments and number guessing games as models of financial markets Journal of Economic Psychology, 31(6):964--984.

Offerman, T., Sonnemans, J., van de Kuilen, G. and Wakker, P. (2009). A Truth-Serum for Non-Bayesians: Correcting Proper Scoring Rules for Risk Attitudes Review of Economic Studies, 76(4):1461--1489.

Heemeijer, P., Hommes, C., Sonnemans, J. and Tuinstra, J. (2009). Price stability and volatility in markets with positive and negative expectations feedback: an experimental investigation Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 33(5):1052--1072.

Gillet, J., Schram, A. and Sonnemans, J. (2009). The tragedy of the commons revisited: the Importance of group decision-making Journal of Public Economics, 93(5-6):785--797.

Hommes, C., Sonnemans, J., Tuinstra, J. and van de Velden, H. (2008). Expectations and bubbles in asset pricing experiments Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 67(1):116--133.

Maximiano, S., Sloof, R. and Sonnemans, J. (2007). Gift exchange in a multi-worker firm Economic Journal, 117(522):1025--1050.

Hommes, C., Sonnemans, J., Tuinstra, J. and van de Velden, H. (2007). Learning in cobweb experiments Macroeconomic Dynamics, 11(S1):8--33.

Sloof, R., Oosterbeek, H. and Sonnemans, J. (2007). Does making specific investments unobservable boost investment incentives? Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, 16(4):911--942.

Oosterbeek, H., Sloof, R. and Sonnemans, J. (2007). Who should invest in specific training? Journal of Population Economics, 20(2):329--357.

Sloof, R., Oosterbeek, H. and Sonnemans, J. (2007). On the importance of default breach remedies Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics, 163(1):5--22.

Oosterbeek, H., Sloof, R. and Sonnemans, J. (2007). Promotion rules and skill acquisition: an experimental study Economica, 74:259--297.

Sonnemans, J. (2006). Price clustering and natural resistance points in the Dutch stock market: A natural experiment European Economic Review, 50(8):1937--1950.

Sloof, R., Oosterbeek, H., Riedl, A. and Sonnemans, J. (2006). Breach remedies, reliance and renegotiation International Review of Law and Economics, 26(3):263--296.

Sonnemans, J., van Dijk, F. and van Winden, F.A.A.M. (2006). On the dynamics of social ties structures in groups Journal of Economic Psychology, 27(2):187--204.

Hommes, C., Sonnemans, J., Tuinstra, J. and van de Velden, H. (2005). Coordination of expectations in asset pricing experiments Review of Financial Studies, 18(3):955--980.

Hommes, C., Sonnemans, J., Tuinstra, J. and van de Velden, H. (2005). A strategy experiment in dynamic asset pricing Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 29(4):823--843.

Sonnemans, J., Hommes, C., Tuinstra, J. and van de Velden, H. (2004). The instability of a heterogeneous cobweb economy: a strategy experiment on expectation formation Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 54(4):453--481.

Sloof, R., Sonnemans, J. and Oosterbeek, H. (2004). Specific investments, holdup, and the outside option principle European Economic Review, 48(6):1399--1410.

Offerman, T. and Sonnemans, J. (2004). What's Causing Overreaction? An Experimental Investigation of Recency and the Hot Hand Effect The Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 106:533--553.

Oosterbeek, H., Sonnemans, J. and van Velzen, S. (2003). The need for marriage contracts: an experimental study Journal of Population Economics, 16:431--453.

Leuven, E., Oosterbeek, H., Sloof, R. and Sonnemans, J. (2003). An experimental comparison of reliance levels under alternative breach remedies RAND Journal of Economics, 34(2):205--222.

Offerman, T., Potters, J. and Sonnemans, J. (2002). Imitation and Belief Learning in an Oligopoly Experiment Review of Economic Studies, 96:973--997.

van Dijk, F., Sonnemans, J. and van Winden, F.A.A.M. (2002). Social Ties in a public good experiment Journal of Public Economics, 85:275--299.

Offerman, T., Sonnemans, J. and Schram, A. (2001). Expectation Formation in Step-Level Public Good Games Economic Inquiry, 39(2):250--269.

van Dijk, F., Sonnemans, J. and van Winden, F.A.A.M. (2001). Incentive Systems in a Real Effort Experiment European Economic Review, 45:187--214.

Sonnemans, J., Oosterbeek, H. and Sloof, R. (2001). On the relation between asset ownership and specific investments Economic Journal, 111(474):791--820.

Sonnemans, J. (2000). Decisions and Strategies in a Sequential Search Experiment Journal of Economic Psychology, 21:91--102.

Sonnemans, J., Schram, A. and Offerman, T. (1999). Strategic Behavior in Public Good Games: When Partners Really Become Strangers Economics Letters, (62):35--41.

Sonnemans, J., Schram, A. and Offerman, T. (1999). Strategic Behavior in Public Good Games: When Partners Drift Apart Economics Letters, 62(1):35--41.

Verstegen, J., Sonnemans, J., Huirne, R., Dijkhuizen, A. and Cox, J. (1998). Quantifying the effects of sow-herd management information systems on farmers' decision making using experimental economics American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 80:821--829.

Sonnemans, J., Schram, A. and Offerman, T. (1998). Public good provision and public bad prevention: The effect of framing. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 34:143--161.

Offerman, T., Schram, A. and Sonnemans, J. (1998). Quantal response models in step-level public good games European Journal of Political Economy, 14(1):89--100.

Sonnemans, J. (1998). Strategies of Search Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 35:309--332.

Offerman, T. and Sonnemans, J. (1998). Learning by experience and learning by imitating successful others. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 34(4):559--575.

Schram, A. and Sonnemans, J. (1996). Why people vote: experimental evidence Journal of Economic Psychology, 17:417--442.

Offerman, T., Sonnemans, J. and Schram, A. (1996). Value orientations, expectations and voluntary contributions in public goods Economic Journal, 106(437):817--845.

Schram, A. and Sonnemans, J. (1996). Voter turnout as a participation game: an experimental investigation International Journal of Game Theory, 25:385--406.