Jan Stoop
Key publications
List of publications
Espinosa, R. and Stoop, J. (2021). Do people really want to be informed? Ex-ante evaluations of information-campaign effectiveness Experimental Economics, 24(4):1131--1155.
List, J., van Soest, D., Stoop, J. and Zhou, H. (2020). On The Role of Group Size in Tournaments: Theory and Evidence from Lab and Field Experiments Management Science, 66(10):4359--4919.
Potters, J. and Stoop, J. (2016). Do cheaters in the lab also cheat in the field? European Economic Review, 87:26--33.
van Soest, D., Stoop, J. and Vyrastekova, J. (2016). Towards a delineation of the circumstances in which cooperation can be sustained in environmental and resource problems Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 77(May):1--13.
Noussair, C.(., van Soest, D. and Stoop, J. (2015). Cooperation in a Dynamic Fishing Game: A Framed Field Experiment (AER: Papers and Proceedings) American Economic Review, 105(5):1--7.
Noussair, C., van Soest, D. and Stoop, J. (2014). Punishment, reward, and cooperation in a framed field experiment Social Choice and Welfare, 45(3):537--559.
Noussair, C. and Stoop, J. (2014). Time as a medium of reward in three social preference experiments Experimental Economics, 18(3):442--456.
Stoop, J. (2013). From the lab to the field: envelopes, dictators and manners Experimental Economics, 17(2):304--313.
Stoop, J., Noussair, C.(. and van Soest, D. (2012). From the lab to the field: Cooperation among fishermen The Journal of Political Economy, 120(6):1027--1056.