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Jan Stoop

Research Fellow

Erasmus University Rotterdam
Research field
Behavioral Economics
Environmental Economics, Experimental Economics, Field Experiments

List of publications

Espinosa, R. and Stoop, J. (2021). Do people really want to be informed? Ex-ante evaluations of information-campaign effectiveness Experimental Economics, 24(4):1131--1155.

List, J., van Soest, D., Stoop, J. and Zhou, H. (2020). On The Role of Group Size in Tournaments: Theory and Evidence from Lab and Field Experiments Management Science, 66(10):4359--4919.

Potters, J. and Stoop, J. (2016). Do cheaters in the lab also cheat in the field? European Economic Review, 87:26--33.

van Soest, D., Stoop, J. and Vyrastekova, J. (2016). Towards a delineation of the circumstances in which cooperation can be sustained in environmental and resource problems Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 77(May):1--13.

Noussair, C.(., van Soest, D. and Stoop, J. (2015). Cooperation in a Dynamic Fishing Game: A Framed Field Experiment (AER: Papers and Proceedings) American Economic Review, 105(5):1--7.

Noussair, C., van Soest, D. and Stoop, J. (2014). Punishment, reward, and cooperation in a framed field experiment Social Choice and Welfare, 45(3):537--559.

Noussair, C. and Stoop, J. (2014). Time as a medium of reward in three social preference experiments Experimental Economics, 18(3):442--456.

Stoop, J. (2013). From the lab to the field: envelopes, dictators and manners Experimental Economics, 17(2):304--313.

Stoop, J., Noussair, C.(. and van Soest, D. (2012). From the lab to the field: Cooperation among fishermen The Journal of Political Economy, 120(6):1027--1056.