Strachan, R. and van Dijk, H. (2013). Evidence on features of a dsge business cycle model from bayesian model averaging International Economic Review, 54(1):385--402.

  • Affiliated author
    Herman van Dijk
  • Publication year
  • Journal
    International Economic Review

The empirical support for features of a Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium model with two technology shocks is evaluated using Bayesian model averaging over vector autoregressions. The model features include equilibria, restrictions on long-run responses, a structural break of unknown date, and a range of lags and deterministic processes. We find support for a number of features implied by the economic model, and the evidence suggests a break in the entire model structure around 1984, after which technology shocks appear to account for all stochastic trends. Business cycle volatility seems more due to investment-specific technology shocks than neutral technology shocks.