Li, C. and Wakker, P. (2024). A Simple and General Axiomatization of Average Utility Maximization for Infinite Streams Journal of Economic Theory, 216:1--10.
845 Key Publications
Gorgi, P., Koopman, S.J. and Schaumburg, J. (2024). Vector autoregressions with dynamic factor coefficients and conditionally heteroskedastic errors Journal of Econometrics, :.
Friedrich, M. and Lin, Y. (2024). Sieve bootstrap inference for linear time-varying coefficient models Journal of Econometrics, 239(1):1--29.
Pinotti, P. and Marie, O. (2024). Immigration and Crime: An International Perspective Journal of Economic Perspectives, 38(1):181--200.
Atella, V., di Porto, E., Kopinska, J. and Lindeboom, M. (2024). Traumatic Experiences Adversely Affect Life Cycle Labor Market Outcomes of the Next Generation—Evidence from Wwii Nazi Raids Journal of the European Economic Association, 22(2):963--1009.
Koster, HansR.A. (2024). The Welfare Effects of Greenbelt Policy: Evidence from England Economic Journal, 134(657):363--401.
Bindler, A., Hjalmarsson, R., Ketel, N. and Mitrut, A. (2024). Discontinuities in the Age-Victimization Profile and the Determinants of Victimization Economic Journal, 134(657):95–134.
Blasques, F., Francq, C. and Laurent, S. (2024). Autoregressive conditional betas Journal of Econometrics, 238(2):1--22.
Manduca, R., Hell, M., Adermon, A., Blanden, J., Bratberg, E., Gielen, AnneC., Kippersluis, H.V., Lee, K., Machin, S., Munk, MartinD., Nybom, M., Ostrovsky, Y., Rahman, S. and Sirniö, O. (2024). Measuring Absolute Income Mobility: Lessons from North America and Europe† American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 16(2):1--30.
Koster, HansR.A. and Thisse, J.F. (2024). Understanding Spatial Agglomeration: Increasing Returns, Land, and Transportation Costs Annual Review of Economics, 16:55--78.
D'Innocenzo, E., Lucas, A., Opschoor, A. and Zhang, X. (2024). Heterogeneity and dynamics in network models Journal of Applied Econometrics, 39(1):150--173.
Gryglewicz, S., Mayer, S. and Morellec, E. (2024). The Dynamics of Loan Sales and Lender Incentives Review of Financial Studies, :.
Kleibergen, F. and Kong, L. (2024). Identification robust inference for the risk premium in term structure models Journal of Econometrics, :.
Opschoor, D. and van der Wel, M. (2024). A Smooth Shadow-Rate Dynamic Nelson-Siegel Model for Yields at the Zero Lower Bound Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, :.
Chevalier, A. and Marie, O. (2024). Risky moms, risky kids? fertility and crime after the fall of the wall Journal of Public Economics, 230:.
Avdeev, S., Ketel, N., Oosterbeek, H. and van der Klaauw, B. (2024). Spillovers in fields of study: Siblings, cousins, and neighbors Journal of Public Economics, 238:.
Koning, P., Lindeboom, M. and Godard, M. (2024). Application and Award Responses to Stricter Screening in Disability Insurance Journal of Human Resources, 59(5):1353--1386.
Magnus, JanR. (2024). A gentle introduction to matrix calculus Journal of Econometrics, 244(1):1--23.
Boot, A. and Vladimirov, V. (2024). Disclosure, Patenting, and Trade Secrecy Journal of Accounting Research, :.
Tommasi, D. and Zhang, L. (2024). Identifying program benefits when participation is misreported Journal of Applied Econometrics, :1123--1148.