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858 PhD Theses

  • 78 - Trade Unions and collective bargaining in the Netherlands

    Author: Rob van de Wijngaert

    Supervisors: Frank den Butter, Jan van Ours

    Defense date: September 27, 1994

    University: Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

  • 77 - Identifiability and nonstationarity in classical and Bayesian econometrics

    Author: Frank Kleibergen

    Supervisor: Herman van Dijk

    Defense date: September 15, 1994

    University: Erasmus University Rotterdam

  • 76 - Innovation management in the Agro-food industry

    Author: Anco Sneep

    Supervisors: C.P. Veerman, W.J. Vrakking

    Defense date: September 15, 1994

  • 75 - Looking through a window of locational opportunity. A long-term spatial analysis of techno-industrial upheavals in Great-Britain and Belgium

    Author: Ron Boschma

    Supervisors: G.A. van der Knaap, Peter Nijkamp

    Defense date: September 01, 1994

  • 74 - Duurzame mobiliteit. Duurzame ontwikkeling en de voorzieningenstructuur van het personenvervoer in de Randstad

    Author: John Baggen

    Supervisors: G.A. van der Knaap, Peter Nijkamp

    Defense date: June 23, 1994

  • 73 - User participation and the success of information system development. An integrated model of user-specialist relationships

    Author: Lei Lei

    Supervisor: H.J. Oppelland

    Defense date: June 16, 1994

  • 72 - Strategic advantage and the exploitability of information technology. An empirical study of the effects of IT on supplier-distributor relationships in the US airline industry

    Author: Ellen Christiaanse

    Supervisors: D.J. Eppink, Doede Keuning

    Defense date: June 15, 1994

    University: Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

  • 71 - Worst Case Performance of Scheduling Heuristics

    Author: Bo Chen

    Supervisors: Alexander Rinnooy Kan, L.N. van Wassenhove

    Defense date: June 09, 1994

  • 70 - Maximum price regulations and resulting parallel and black markets

    Author: Mike Dell

    Supervisor: Jean-Marie Viaene

    Defense date: May 26, 1994

    University: Erasmus University Rotterdam

  • 69 - Dynamics in cross-section and panel data models

    Author: Inge van den Doel

    Supervisors: J.S. Cramer, Jan Kiviet

    Defense date: May 20, 1994

    University: University of Amsterdam

  • 68 - Strategic trade policy and multinational enterprises: essays on trade and investment by Japanese electronics firms

    Author: Rene Belderbos

    Supervisors: L.I.E. Sleuwaegen, J.A. Stam

    Defense date: May 19, 1994

    University: Erasmus University Rotterdam

  • 67 - Modelling international financial markets: an empirical study

    Author: Philip Stork

    Supervisors: C.G. Koedijk, Casper de Vries

    Defense date: April 28, 1994

    University: Erasmus University Rotterdam

  • 66 - The paradox of information technology management

    Author: Sven Fischer

    Supervisor: J.S. Achterberg

    Defense date: April 11, 1994

  • 65 - On the theory and measurement of comparative advantage. An empirical analysis of Yugoslav trade in manufactures with the OECD countries, 1970-1986

    Author: Olga Memedovic

    Supervisors: H. Linnemann, J. Spronk

    Defense date: March 10, 1994

  • 64 - System identification based on Riemannian geometry: theory and algorithms

    Author: Ralf Peeters

    Supervisors: M. Hazewinkel, A.H.Q.M. Merkies

    Defense date: February 08, 1994

    University: Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

  • 63 - Economische dynamiek en toplocaties. Locatiekarakteristieken en prijsontwikkeling van kantoren in een aantal grote Europese steden

    Author: Robert Lie

    Supervisors: B. Kruijt, J.G. Lambooy

    Defense date: January 21, 1994

  • 62 - The creation of meaning in advertising. Interaction of figurative advertising and individual differences in processing styles

    Author: Marian Dingena

    Supervisors: F.G.M. Pieters, W.F. van Raaij

    Defense date: January 20, 1994

  • 61 - De markthuur op kantorenmarkten in Nederland

    Author: Jan Grootendorst

    Supervisors: Martin Fase, B. Kruijt

    Defense date: January 07, 1994

  • 60 - Life insurance, a non-life approach

    Author: Bart Kling

    Supervisors: M.J. Goovaerts, H. Wolthuis

    Defense date: December 17, 1993

  • 59 - The internationalisation of the Spanish automobile industry and its regional impact. The emergence of a growth-periphery

    Author: Arnoud Lagendijk

    Supervisors: G.A. Hoekveld, G.A. van der Knaap

    Defense date: December 03, 1993