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858 PhD Theses

  • 97 - Services and services trade: A theoretical inquiry

    Author: Joachim Stibora

    Supervisor: Jean-Marie Viaene

    Defense date: June 15, 1995

    University: Erasmus University Rotterdam

  • 97 - Services and services trade: A theoretical inquiry

    Author: Albert de Vaal

    Supervisor: Jean-Marie Viaene

    Defense date: June 15, 1995

    University: Erasmus University Rotterdam

  • 96 - Endogenous business cycles

    Author: Robin de Vilder

    Supervisors: J.G. de Gooijer, J.-M. Grandmont, S.J. van Strien

    Defense date: June 14, 1995

  • 95 - Adoption and diffusion of the European currency unit. An empirical study among European companies

    Author: Yvonne van Everdingen

    Supervisor: G.J. Bamossy

    Defense date: March 17, 1995

  • 94 - Models for option evaluation in alternative price-movements

    Author: Ronald Heynen

    Supervisor: Ton Vorst

    Defense date: February 17, 1995

    University: Erasmus University Rotterdam

  • 93 - Heuristic and optimal methods for the three-dimensional bin packing problem

    Author: André van Vliet

    Supervisor: Alexander Rinnooy Kan

    Defense date: February 16, 1995

  • 91 - Aspects of enlarging the market effects in the Dutch health care

    Author: Tijn Kool

    Supervisor: E.J.J.M. Kimman

    Defense date: February 03, 1995

  • 90 - Quasiconvex optimization and location models

    Author: Joaquim dos Santos Gromicho

    Supervisor: Alexander Rinnooy Kan

    Defense date: January 26, 1994

  • 89 - Discrete and fractional programming techniques for location models

    Author: Ana Isabel Martins Botto de Barros

    Supervisor: Alexander Rinnooy Kan

    Defense date: January 26, 1995

  • 88 - Global total least squares. A method for the construction of open approximate models from vector time series

    Author: Berend Roorda

    Supervisors: Teun Kloek, J.C. Willems

    Defense date: January 20, 1995

    University: Erasmus University Rotterdam

  • 87 - Farmers, prices and rational expectations

    Author: Erno Kuiper

    Supervisors: Philip Hans Franses, Teun Kloek

    Defense date: December 22, 1994

    University: Erasmus University Rotterdam

  • 86 - Price cost margins in Dutch manufacturing: with an emphasis on cyclical and firm size effects

    Author: Yvonne Prince

    Supervisor: Roy Thurik

    Defense date: December 15, 1994

    University: Erasmus University Rotterdam

  • 85 - Social security in developing countries; operation and dynamics of social security mechanisms in rural Swaziland

    Author: Andre Leliveld

    Supervisor: H. Linnemann

    Defense date: December 08, 1994

  • 84 - The Spanish Oil Industry: Structural change and modernization

    Author: Aad Correlje

    Supervisors: G.A. van der Knaap, P.R. Odell

    Defense date: December 01, 1994

  • 83 - A symmetric approach to the labor market: an application of the sem method

    Author: Evelien Eggink

    Supervisor: Bernard van Praag

    Defense date: November 03, 1994

    University: University of Amsterdam

  • 82 - Financial planning in divisionalised firms: models and methods

    Author: Marc Goedhart

    Supervisor: J. Spronk

    Defense date: October 27, 1994

  • 81 - Complementary triangular forms for pairs of matrices and operators

    Author: Rob Zuidwijk

    Supervisor: H. Bart

    Defense date: October 20, 1994

  • 80 - Corporate risk management. A multi-factor approach

    Author: Erik Vermeulen

    Supervisors: J. Spronk, D. van der Wijst

    Defense date: October 13, 1994

  • 79 - Defusing the software crisis: Information systems flexibility through data independence

    Author: Martin Boogaard

    Supervisors: A.A.I. Holtgrefe, E.R.K. Spoor

    Defense date: October 31, 1994

    University: Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam