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Bas ter Weel

Research Fellow

University of Amsterdam
Research field
Empirical Microeconomics
Education, Experimental Economics, Labor, Policy Evaluation


Bas ter Weel is director at SEO Amsterdam Economics and professor of economics at the University of Amsterdam. After completing his PhD at Maastricht University, he worked as an assistant professor in the department of economics at the same university (2002-2006). By the end of 2006 he moved to the Dutch Authority for the Financial Markets (AFM) and transferred to the Netherlands Bureau for Economic Policy Analysis (CPB) by the end of 2007. He became head of the department of international economics (2007-2010) and the department of labour and education (2010-2013). From October 2013 onwards he served as CPB's deputy (and acting) director, a position he held until September 2016. After leaving Maastricht University in 2006 he maintained close ties with the university, which resulted in a parttime position as a senior researcher (2006-2011). Later on he became a full professor in the department of economics (2011-2016).

List of publications

Bussink, H. and ter Weel, B. (2023). Costs and benefits of an individual learning account (ILA): A simulation analysis for the Netherlands Economic Modelling, 118:.

Bussink, H., Vervliet, T. and ter Weel, B. (2022). The Short-Term Effect of the COVID-19 Crisis on Employment Probabilities of Labour-Market Entrants in the Netherlands De Economist, 170(2):279--303.

van Elk, R., ter Weel, B., van der Wiel, K. and Wouterse, B. (2019). Estimating the Returns to Public R&D Investments: Evidence from Production Function Models De Economist, 167(1):45--87.

ter Weel, B. (2018). The Rise of Temporary Work in Europe De Economist, 166(4):397--401.

Gerritsen, S.(., Webbink, D. and ter Weel, B. (2017). Sorting Around the Discontinuity Threshold: The Case of a Neighbourhood Investment Programme De Economist, 165(1):101--128.

Houkes-Hommes, A., ter Weel, B. and van der Wiel, K. (2016). Measuring the Contribution of Primary-School Teachers to Education Outcomes in The Netherlands De Economist, 164(4):357--364.

Feron, E., Schils, T. and ter Weel, B. (2016). Does the Teacher Beat the Test? The Value of the Teacher’s Assessment in Predicting Student Ability De Economist, 164(4):391--418.

Akcomak, S., Webbink, D. and ter Weel, B. (2016). Why Did the Netherlands Develop So Early? The Legacy of the Brethren of the Common Life Economic Journal, 126(593):821--860.