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Francesco Principe

Research Fellow

Erasmus University Rotterdam
Research field
Empirical Microeconomics
Health, Labor, Policy Evaluation


Francesco Principe is a postdoctoral researcher at the Erasmus School of Economics. He obtained his PhD in Economics from the University of Salerno, Italy in 2019. His research interests lie in the field of Health, Labour and Sports Economics, with a major focus on health behaviours, health policy evaluation, income inequalities and wage determination

List of publications

Principe, F. and van Ours, JanC. (2022). Racial bias in newspaper ratings of professional football players European Economic Review, 141:.

Fumarco, L. and Principe, F. (2021). More goals, fewer babies?: On national team performance and birth rates Economics Letters, 208:.

Carrieri, V., Jones, A.M. and Principe, F. (2020). Productivity shocks and labour market outcomes for top earners: evidence from Italian Serie A Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 82(3):549--576.

Principe, F., Carrieri, V. and Madio, L. (2020). Do-It-Yourself medicine? The impact of light cannabis liberalization on prescription drugs Journal of Health Economics, 74:.

Carrieri, V., Madio, L. and Principe, F. (2019). Light cannabis and organized crime: Evidence from (unintended) liberalization in Italy European Economic Review, 113:63--76.

Carrieri, V., Madio, L. and Principe, F. (2019). Vaccine hesitancy and (fake) news: Quasi‐experimental evidence from Italy Health Economics, 28(11):1377--1382.

Principe, F., Carrieri, V. and Raitano, M. (2018). What makes you ‘super-rich’? New evidence from an analysis of football players’ wages Oxford Economic Papers, 70(4):950--973.