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Home | People | Stefan Hochguertel

Stefan Hochguertel

Research Fellow

Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Research field
Empirical Microeconomics
Ageing, Applied Econometrics, Intertemporal Choice, Labor

Key publications

List of publications

Bloemen, H., Hochguertel, S. and Zweerink, J. (2019). The Effect of Incentive-Induced Retirement on Spousal Retirement Rates: Evidence From a Natural Experiment Economic Inquiry, 57(2):910--930.

Bloemen, H., Hochguertel, S. and Zweerink, J. (2018). Job loss, firm-level heterogeneity and mortality: Evidence from administrative data Journal of Health Economics, 59:78--90.

Bloemen, H., Hochguertel, S. and Zweerink, J. (2017). The causal effect of retirement on mortality: Evidence from targeted incentives to retire early Health Economics, 26(12):e204–e218.

Li, Y., Mastrogiacomo, M., Hochguertel, S. and Bloemen, H. (2016). The role of wealth in the start-up decision of new self-employed: Evidence from a pension policy reform Labour Economics, 41(August):280--290.

Lammers, M., Bloemen, H. and Hochguertel, S. (2013). Job search requirements for older unemployed: Transitions to employment, early retirement and disability benefits European Economic Review, 58(C):31--57.

Ejrnaes, M. and Hochguertel, S. (2013). Is Business Failure Due to Lack of Effort? Empirical Evidence from a Large Administrative Sample Economic Journal, 123(571):791--830.

Hochguertel, S. and Ohlsson, H. (2009). Compensatory inter vivos gifts Journal of Applied Econometrics, 24:993--1023.

Hochguertel, S., Alessie, R. and van Soest, A. (2006). Non-Take-Up of Tax-Favored Savings Plans: Evidence from Dutch Employees Journal of Economic Psychology, 27(4):483--501.

Hochguertel, S., Alessie, R. and van Soest, A. (2005). Saving Accounts vs Stocks and Bonds in Household Portfolio Allocation The Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 99:81--97.

Hochguertel, S., Alessie, R. and Weber, G. (2005). Consumer Credit: Evidence from Italian Micro Data Journal of the European Economic Association, 3:144--178.

Hochguertel, S., Bertola, G. and Koeniger, W. (2005). Dealer Pricing of Consumer Credit International Economic Review, 46:1103--1142.

Hochguertel, S., Alessie, R. and van Soest, A. (2004). Ownership of Stocks and Mutual Funds: A Panel Data Analysis Review of Economics and Statistics, 86(3):783--796.

Hochguertel, S. (2004). Precautionary Motives and Portfolio Decisions Journal of Applied Econometrics, 18:61--77.

Hochguertel, S. and van Soest, A. (2001). The Relation Between Financial and Housing Wealth: Evidence from Dutch Households Journal of Urban Economics, 49:374--403.