Iman van Lelyveld
List of publications
Artiga González, T., van Lelyveld, I. and Lučivjanská, K. (2020). Pension fund equity performance: Patience, activity or both? Journal of Banking and Finance, 115:1--16.
Anand, K., van Lelyveld, I., Banai, Á., Friedrich, S., Garratt, R., Ha\laj, G., Fique, J., Hansen, I., Jaramillo, S.M., Lee, H., Molina-Borboa, J.L., Nobili, S., Rajan, S., Salakhova, D., Silva, T.C., Silvestri, L. and de Souza, S.R.S. (2018). The missing links: A global study on uncovering financial network structures from partial data Journal of Financial Stability, 35:107--119.
Blasques, F., Bräuning, F. and Lelyveld, I.V. (2018). A dynamic network model of the unsecured interbank lending market Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 90:310--342.
Bonner, C., van Lelyveld, I.P.P. and Zymek, R. (2015). Contextual factors in liquidity risk Journal of Financial Services Research, 48(3):215--234.
Fang, Y. and van Lelyveld, I. (2014). Geographic diversification in banking Journal of Financial Stability, 15:171--181.
in 't Veld, D. and van Lelyveld, I. (2014). Finding the core: Network structure in interbank markets Journal of Banking and Finance, 49:27--40.
De Haas, R. and Van Lelyveld, I. (2014). Multinational banks and the global financial crisis: Weathering the perfect storm? Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, 46(SUPPL.1):333--364.
van Lelyveld, I., Liedorp, F. and Kampman, M. (2011). An empirical assessment of reinsurance risk Journal of Financial Stability, 7(4):191--203.
De Haas, R. and van Lelyveld, I. (2010). Internal capital markets and lending by multinational bank subsidiaries Journal of Financial Intermediation, 19(1):1--25.
van Lelyveld, I. and Knot, K. (2009). Do financial conglomerates create or destroy value? Evidence for the EU Journal of Banking and Finance, 33(12):2312--2321.
De Haas, R. and van Lelyveld, I. (2006). Foreign banks and credit stability in Central and Eastern Europe. A panel data analysis Journal of Banking and Finance, 30(7):1927--1952.
Van Lelyveld, I. (1999). Inflation or unemployment? Who cares? European Journal of Political Economy, 15(3):463--484.