Fok, D., Franses, P.H. and Paap, R. (2007). Seasonality and non-linear price effects in scanner-data based market-response models Journal of Econometrics, 138(1):231--251.
498 key alumni publications
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Giordani, P., Kohn, R. and van Dijk, D. (2007). A unified approach to nonlinearity, structural change, and outliers Journal of Econometrics, 137(1):112--133.
Hoogerheide, L., Kleibergen, F. and van Dijk, H.K. (2007). Natural conjugate priors for the instrumental variables regression model applied to the Angrist-Krueger data Journal of Econometrics, 138(1):63--103.
Hoogerheide, L., Kaashoek, J. and van Dijk, H.K. (2007). On the shape of posterior densities and credible sets in instrumental variable regression models with reduced rank: an application of flexible sampling methods using neural networks Journal of Econometrics, 139(1):154--180.
Janssen, M.(. and Karamychev, V. (2007). Selection effects in auctions for monopoly rights Journal of Economic Theory, 134:576--582.
Martens, M. and van Dijk, D. (2007). Measuring volatility with the realized range. Journal of Econometrics, 138(1):181--207.
Visser, B. and Swank, O. (2007). On committees of experts Quarterly Journal of Economics, 122(1):337--372.
Menkveld, A., Koopman, S. and Lucas, A. (2007). Modelling Round-the-Clock Price Discovery for Cross-Listed Stocks using State Space Methods Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, 25(2):213--255.
van der Klaauw, B. and Frijters, P. (2006). Job search with nonparticipation Economic Journal, 116:45--83.
Azevedo, J., Koopman, S. and Rua, A. (2006). Tracking the business cycle of the Euro area: A multivariate model-based band-pass filter Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, 24(3):278--290.
Gautier, P. and Teulings, C. (2006). How large are search frictions? Journal of the European Economic Association, 4:1193--1225.
van der Klaauw, B. and van den Berg, G.J. (2006). Counseling and monitoring of unemployed workers: Theory and evidence from a controlled social experiment International Economic Review, 47:895--936.
Bjorklund, A., Lindahl, M. and Plug, E. (2006). The Origins of Intergenerational Associations: Lessons from Swedish Adoption Data Quarterly Journal of Economics, 121(3):999--1028.
Kleibergen, F.(. and Paap, R. (2006). Generalized reduced rank tests using the singular value decomposition. Journal of Econometrics, 133(1):97--126.
Portrait, F., Lindeboom, M. and van den Berg, G.J. (2006). Economic conditions early in life and individual mortality American Economic Review, 96:290--302.
Francesco Lippi (2006). Monetary union with voluntary participation Review of Economic Studies.
Baltussen, G., Post, G.(. and van Vliet, W.(. (2006). Violations of Cumulative Prospect Theory in Mixed Gambles with Moderate Probabilities Management Science, 52(8):1288--1290.
Bijwaard, G., Franses, P.H. and Paap, R. (2006). Modeling purchases as repeated events Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, 24(4):487--502.
Bauwens, L., Boswijk, H. and Urbain, J. (2006). Causality and exogeneity in econometrics (guest editorial) Journal of Econometrics, 132(2):305--309.
Offerman, T. and Potters, J. (2006). Does auctioning of entry licenses induce collusion? An experimental study Review of Economic Studies, 73(3):769--791.