van der Ploeg, F. (1995). Comment Economic Policy, 10(20):136--138.
845 Key Publications
Franses, P.H. and Boswijk, H. (1995). Periodic cointegration: representation and inference Review of Economics and Statistics, LXXVII(3):436--454.
van Wijnbergen, S.J.G. (1995). Agriculture in the Mexico-US free trade agreement: Transition problems in economic reform American Economic Review, 85(4):738--754.
van der Ploeg, F. (1995). Political economy of monetary and budgetary policy International Economic Review, 36(2):427--439.
van der Ploeg, F. (1995). Solvency of counter-cyclical policy rules Journal of Public Economics, 57:45--65.
van Wijnbergen, S.J.G. (1995). Transition problems in economic reform: agriculture in the North American free trade agreement American Economic Review, 85(sep):738--742.
Koning, P., Ridder, G. and Van Den Berg, GerardJ. (1995). Structural and frictional unemployment in an equilibrium search model with heterogeneous agents Journal of Applied Econometrics, 10(1 S):S133--S151.
Jones, A. and O'Donnell, O. (1995). Equivalence scales and the costs of disability Journal of Public Economics, 56(2):273--289.
Kulatilaka, N. and Perotti, E. (1995). What is lost by waiting to invest The Journal of Finance, 50(3):990--991.
Hoek, H., Lucas, A.(. and van Dijk, H. (1995). Classical and Bayesian aspects of robust unit root inference Journal of Econometrics, 69:27--59.
Perotti, E. (1995). Credible privatization American Economic Review, 85(4):847--859.
Boswijk, H. (1994). Testing for an unstable root in conditional and structural error correction models Journal of Econometrics, 63:37--60.
Berglof, E. and Perotti, E. (1994). The governance structure of the Japanese financial keiretsu Journal of Financial Economics, 36(2):259--284.
Sarin, R. and Wakker, P. (1994). A General Result for Quantifying Beliefs Econometrica, 62:683--685.
van den Berg, G.J. and van Ours, J.C. (1994). Unemployment dynamics and duration dependence in France Economic Journal, 104:432--443.
van Ours, J.C. and van den Berg, G.J. (1994). Unemployment Dynamics and Duration Dependence in France, the Netherlands and the UK Economic Journal, 104(423):432--443.
Beetsma, R. and van der Ploeg, F. (1994). Intramarginal interventions, bands and the pattern of EMS exchange rate distributions International Economic Review, 35(3):583--602.
van den Berg, G.J., Lindeboom, M. and Ridder, G. (1994). Attrition in Longitudinal Panel Data and the Empirical Analysis of Dynamic Labour Market Behaviour Journal of Applied Econometrics, 9(4):421--435.
Franses, P.H. and Haldrup, N. (1994). The effects of additive outliers on tests for unit roots and cointegration Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, 12:471--478.
Oosterbeek, H. and Groot, W. (1994). Earnings effects of different components of schooling: Human capital versus screening. Review of Economics and Statistics, 76(2):317--321.