Bataa, E., Osborn, D., Sensier, M. and van Dijk, D. (2013). Structural breaks in the international dynamics of inflation Review of Economics and Statistics, 95(2):646--659.
198 Key Publications
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Geweke, J., Koop, G. and Paap, R. (2012). Editorial Introduction for the Annals Issue of the Journal of Econometrics on Bayesian Models, Methods and Applications Journal of Econometrics, 171(2):99--100.
Hoogerheide, L., Ravazzolo, F. and van Dijk, H. (2012). Forecast rationality tests based on multi-horizon bounds: Comment Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, 30(1):30--33.
Fok, D., Paap, R. and van Dijk, A. (2010). A Rank-Ordered Logit Model with Unobserved Heterogeneity in Ranking Capabilities Journal of Applied Econometrics, 27(5):831--846.
Hoogerheide, L., Ravazzolo, F. and van Dijk, H.K. (2012). Comment on Forecast Rationality Tests Based on Multi-Horizon Bounds Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, 30(1):30--33.
Hoogerheide, L., Opschoor, A. and van Dijk, H.K. (2012). A class of adaptive importance sampling weighted EM algorithms for efficient and robust posterior and predictive simulation Journal of Econometrics, 171(2):101--120.
Guggenberger, P., Kleibergen, F., Mavroeidis, S. and Chen, L. (2012). On the asymptotic sizes of subset Anderson-Rubin and Lagrange multiplier tests in linear instrumental variables regression Econometrica, 80(6):2649--2666.
Boswijk, H. and Klaassen, F. (2012). Why frequency matters for unit root testing in financial time series Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, 30(3):351--357.
Boswijk, H. and van der Weide, R. (2011). Method of moments estimation of GO-GARCH models Journal of Econometrics, 163(1):118--126.
Pesaran, H. and Pick, A. (2011). Forecast combination across estimation windows Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, 29(2):307--318.
Pesaran, H., Pick, A. and Timmermann, A. (2011). Variable selection, estimation and inference for multi-period forecasting problems Journal of Econometrics, 164(1):173--187.
Diks, C., Panchenko, V. and van Dijk, D. (2011). Likelihood-Based Scoring Rules for Comparing Density Forecast in Tails Journal of Econometrics, 163(2):215--230.
Boswijk, H., Franses, P.H. and van Dijk, D. (2010). Twenty years of cointegration Journal of Econometrics, 158(1):1--2.
Boswijk, H., Franses, P.H. and van Dijk, D. (2010). Cointegration in a historical perspective Journal of Econometrics, 158(1):156--159.
Fok, D. and Paap, R. (2009). Modeling category-level purchase timing with brand-level marketing variables Journal of Applied Econometrics, 24(3):469--489.
Sandor, Z.(. and Franses, P.H. (2009). Consumer Price Evaluations Through Choice Experiments Journal of Applied Econometrics, 24(3):517--535.
Paap, R., Segers, R. and van Dijk, D. (2009). Do leading indicators lead peaks more than troughs? Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, 27(4):528--543.
Kleibergen, F. and Mavroeidis, S. (2009). Weak instrument robust tests in GMM and the new Keynesian Phillips curve Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, 27(3):293--311.
Kleibergen, F. and Mavroeidis, S. (2009). Rejoinder Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, 27(3):331--339.
Chintagunta, P., Franses, P.H. and Paap, R. (2009). Introduction to the Special Issue on New Econometric Models in Marketing Journal of Applied Econometrics, 24(3):375--376.