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Lennart Hoogerheide

Research Fellow

Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
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List of publications

Borowska, A., Hoogerheide, L., Koopman, S.J. and van Dijk, HermanK. (2020). Partially censored posterior for robust and efficient risk evaluation Journal of Econometrics, 217(2):335--355.

Baştürk, N., Borowska, A., Grassi, S., Hoogerheide, L. and van Dijk, H.K. (2019). Forecast density combinations of dynamic models and data driven portfolio strategies Journal of Econometrics, 210(1):170--186.

Barra, I., Hoogerheide, L., Koopman, S. and Lucas, A. (2017). Joint Bayesian Analysis of Parameters and States in Nonlinear, Non-Gaussian State Space Models Journal of Applied Econometrics, 32(5):1003--1026.

Ardia, D., Gatarek, L. and Hoogerheide, LennartF. (2017). A new bootstrap test for multiple assets joint risk testing Journal of Risk, 19(4):1--22.

Ardia, D. and Hoogerheide, L. (2014). GARCH models for daily stock returns: Impact of estimation frequency on Value-at-Risk and Expected Shortfall forecasts Economics Letters, 123(2):187--190.

Zellner, A., Ando, T., Basturk, N., Hoogerheide, L. and van Dijk, H.K. (2014). Bayesian Analysis of Instrumental Variable Models: Acceptance-Rejection within Direct Monte Carlo Econometric Reviews, 33(1-4):3--35.

Ardia, D. and Hoogerheide, LennartF. (2013). Worldwide equity risk prediction Applied Economics Letters, 20(14):1333--1339.

Hoogerheide, L., Opschoor, A. and van Dijk, H.K. (2012). A class of adaptive importance sampling weighted EM algorithms for efficient and robust posterior and predictive simulation Journal of Econometrics, 171(2):101--120.

Hoogerheide, L., Ravazzolo, F. and van Dijk, H.K. (2012). Comment on Forecast Rationality Tests Based on Multi-Horizon Bounds Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, 30(1):30--33.

Hoogerheide, L., Ardia, D. and Corre, N. (2012). Stock index returns' density prediction using GARCH models: Frequentist or Bayesian estimation? Economics Letters, 116(3):322--325.

Hoogerheide, L., Block, J. and Thurik, A. (2012). Family background variables as instruments for education in income regressions: a Bayesian analysis Economics of Education Review, 31(5):515--523.

Hoogerheide, L. and van Dijk, H.K. (2010). Bayesian Forecasting of Value at Risk and Expected Shortfall using Adaptive Importance Sampling International Journal of Forecasting, 26(2):231--247.

Hoogerheide, L., Kleijn, R., Ravazzolo, F., van Dijk, H.K. and Verbeek, M. (2010). Forecast Accuracy and Economic Gains from Bayesian Model Averaging using Time Varying Weights Journal of Forecasting, 29:251--269.

Hoogerheide, L., Kleibergen, F. and van Dijk, H.K. (2007). Natural conjugate priors for the instrumental variables regression model applied to the Angrist-Krueger data Journal of Econometrics, 138(1):63--103.

Hoogerheide, L., Kaashoek, J. and van Dijk, H.K. (2007). On the shape of posterior densities and credible sets in instrumental variable regression models with reduced rank: an application of flexible sampling methods using neural networks Journal of Econometrics, 139(1):154--180.